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Decree This To Let God Rain Goodness And Grace Over Your Home
We decree that we live under the umbrella of God’s immeasurable goodness. His goodness reigns in our home…
Genesis and Gender Dysphoria
When a person’s thoughts and feelings don’t portray their sex, it causes a horrible internal conflict. When the body and soul are at odds with each other, there is gender confusion or dysphoria…
5 Simple Tips for Sex & Romance in Marriage
How can you make sure that these parts of your marriage are as strong as it can possibly be? There are a few things that husbands need and a few things that wives need to feel fulfilled in this aspect of the marriage relationship…
I’m Not Your Concubine
The definition of a concubine is a woman who cohabits with a man to whom she is not legally married, especially one regarded as socially or sexually subservient; mistress; (among polygamous peoples) a secondary wife, usually of inferior rank…
Fixing the Porn Problem
The Bible is clear, crystal clear, that sex is good. It’s a natural desire and an appetite from God, a shadow of the intimacy we one day experience fully with Him…
A Few Things Ladies Should Know Before Dating
Most people ask: “when is the right time to enter in a relationship?” Myles Munroe shares a few things about…
Marriage is Not for Consumers
We live in a consumer-oriented society. We can obtain almost anything we desire, and we can have it our way, in our…
Becoming One
Marriage as God designed it is like a precious gem. First of all, it develops over time. Diamonds don’t form in ten years…