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![The Essential Abrahamic Blessing For Your Children](
The Essential Abrahamic Blessing For Your Children
We are responsible for placing characteristics for effectiveness and fruitfulness in our children’s lives. If we don’t do this for our children, they will never apprehend generational blessings. Abraham was admired by God because God knew he would train his children. Long before he ever had children, the qualities that would allow God to bless him were seen…
![Redeem Your Prodigal From the Courts of Heaven](
Redeem Your Prodigal From the Courts of Heaven
There are two very important things that we can do from the Courts of Heaven to see prodigals reclaimed. We must deal with generational issues that are claiming a legal right to hold them in places of lostness and destruction. There are two issues that are legally used by satan to hold people in these bondages…
![The Cross and the Courts of Heaven](
The Cross and the Courts of Heaven
Jesus legally revoked all accusations against us. He caused them to be non-effective through His death, His burial, His resurrection, and His ascension. Many times, I take these words into the Courts and ask that any voice coming against me would now be silenced. Just because there is a verdict in place for me doesn’t mean voices will not try to speak in the spirit world against you…
![Supernatural Increase: Reclaiming Stolen & Lost Wealth from Heaven](
Supernatural Increase: Reclaiming Stolen & Lost Wealth from Heaven
When we come before the Courts of Heaven, we are placing the demonic realm on trial, which is really responsible for theft. As a result of this, we should highlight before the Courts of Heaven that which God said He would judge. Let’s look at a possible way to present a case to recover what demon powers have stolen from family lines…
![7 Generational Blessings You Can Claim NOW](
7 Generational Blessings You Can Claim NOW
As a result of legally being Abraham’s seed by virtue of faith in Jesus, we are heirs. This means we have an inheritance just like the natural children of Abraham had an inheritance. This too is connected to generational blessings. We can petition the Courts of Heaven on the basis of our claim as the seed of Abraham.
![Operate Like Jesus Did from the Courts of Heaven](
Operate Like Jesus Did from the Courts of Heaven
There are key roles Jesus walked in that allowed Lazarus to be resurrected from the dead. Jesus operated in “kingship and priesthood.” On His journey to the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus had been in the Courts of Heaven, dealing with any legal claim the devil had used to put Lazarus in the tomb prematurely. This is how we do the same…
![Atmosphere is the Key to Your Miracle](
Atmosphere is the Key to Your Miracle
Atmosphere is very important to the supernatural and Jesus’ resurrection power flowing. This is why Jesus took control of the environment. He kicked out mourners who were ridiculing and scorning. He took a select group into the room where the resurrection of the little girl would occur. Even though these weren’t perfect in their faith, they were willing to learn and believe. Faith is not the absence of questions or even fear. It is a choice to…
![Groaning in the Courts of Heaven](
Groaning in the Courts of Heaven
When Jesus came to the tomb of Lazarus, there was a process that was walked through to bring resurrection. We can glean from this process that we might see resurrection power flow in us and through us as well. The first thing Jesus did to raise Lazarus up was to…
![The Key to Your Unlimited, Supernatural Anointing](
The Key to Your Unlimited, Supernatural Anointing
As we examine the resurrections that are recorded in Elisha’s ministry, there is one more—after Elisha died, a dead man touched his bones. This dead corpse came back to life as a result of the anointing still contained in the bones of Elisha. Elisha is in the afterlife. He is nowhere around. His spirit has departed a long time ago. So what allowed the resurrection of the man? There was no faith involved from anyone. What allows this resurrection to occur? The answer is…
![Resurrection Power is Yours](
Resurrection Power is Yours
This Holy Spirit will empower us to experience and move in the power of His resurrection. We will see this occur as we make room for Him. That which the blood has legally cleansed, the Holy Spirit has now come to anoint and empower. We are called and commissioned to be those who function in resurrection power through the Holy Spirit of God. With this anointing of power and resurrection, we can…