NEVER Get Sick! Stop Letting Satan Steal Your Health

We will always get what we believe for—consciously or unconsciously.

We have far too many Christians playing defense in the area of healing instead of being on offense. Do you know why we are on defense? Because almost everyone believes it is possible to be sick as a Christian because we have allowed the world’s normal to be our normal. This is why we are to set our mind on the realities of where Christ is in Heaven.

Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity (Romans 12:2 PNT).

We have stayed stuck in the world’s mold in the area of sickness instead of growing up spiritually into who we are in Christ. The will of God in Heaven is the will of God on earth: divine health. How does that get proven? By us renewing our mind to Heaven’s realities so that we can prove the perfect will of God.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2 NKJV).

On the spiritual side of things, I absolutely believe our belief in sickness is what is keeping open the door to sickness in the Church. Now we certainly need to take care of the bodies that God gave us and we are going to deal with that topic at the end of this book. It’s an area preachers don’t want to touch for fear of offending people, but it is an area that we must start addressing because in many ways, we are killing ourselves. But in the area of our beliefs, we are still living like cursed people even though we are right with God.

Do you know why I know this to be true? Because most of the teaching we hear on healing is “steps to receiving your healing” instead of “It’s impossible to get sick!” I understand we have vast numbers of Christians who are sick and need healing in their bodies. So when it comes to healing, we are preaching to the problem—but why not preach the solution? Why is it we preach separate from the world with regard to sin but not separate from the world with regard to sickness? If you can be separate from the source, why not also separate from the byproducts? Do you see what I am getting at?

Why would you prepare for something that isn’t possible? Why would you be afraid of something you can’t have?

Think about what is normal for the world in the area of health. They are always preparing to be sick because sickness is “normal” for the world. The world not only expects and prepares for sickness, they also prepare to get old and get sicker; unfortunately, this hellish belief system is in the Church. Do you know how many times I have heard Christians joke about forgetting something and because they are in their forties or fifties, laugh about it, and say, “Well, you know I am getting older and you know how the mind goes!” What kind of demonic talk is that? That’s language for the sinner, not the one in Christ. I’ll hear Christians joke about being in their fifties and having back and joint issues, laugh about it, and attribute it to being older. Why? Because you still see yourself as a sinner tied to the curse.

We have allowed the world’s view of health to get into the Christian belief system, and it has affected the way healing is taught in most places. In the minority of churches where healing is taught, the majority teach it from the standpoint of “when you do get sick.” We have simply stepped into satan’s role of standing beside Eve and saying, “If you will do these things, you will get it (even though you already have it).” Satan has no problem with us pushing the idea that you can get healed, just as he had no problem pushing to Eve that she could be like God. Do you know why? Because even satan knows what you have on the inside of you: the life of God!

Satan knows that as a believer, you are already healed because you are righteous. He also knows that if he can get you working to get what you already have, you’ll let go of what you have because you don’t think you have it. And you will spend all your time “living by faith” trying to receive what Jesus already put in you. This is why you will not find teaching in the New Testament of “standing for your healing” or “waiting on God to manifest my healing.” Even though it is believed and taught, it is not in the Bible. So why do we have a history of Christians waiting on God to do something regarding their healing? Satan is trying to get the believer to believe in sickness and then to get the believer to work to receive their healing. He needs you to let go of what you do have and then work to get what you think you don’t have.

Satan put that lie into the Church and we are now preaching it for him—then we wonder why so many people in the Church are sick! The Church is preaching faith and authority from the side of “after you get sick” instead of from the side of, “You can’t get sick!” We shouldn’t be looking at the world’s normal to determine our normal; we should look at Christ’s normal to determine our normal! Our belief in sickness has caused us to immediately let go of the healing provided to us and in which we were made, simply because we don’t realize we actually already have it. We quote 1 Peter 2:24 as something we need to obtain instead of something we already have. Why? Because most of us truly still see ourselves as being on the other side of the cross where sickness was still possible and, as a result, we have cheated ourselves.

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ (Colossians 2:8 NKJV).

Think of some of the world’s normals with sickness. Have you ever heard of flu season? I don’t ever prepare to get the flu. Do you know why? Because Jesus can’t get the flu.

If Jesus can’t get the flu, I can’t get the flu! There is no flu season in Heaven.

I am not scared of getting cancer. Do you know why? Because Jesus can’t get cancer and there is no cancer in the Kingdom of God. So that means I can’t get cancer because it is not even available in the Kingdom from which I live. My realities are what’s real in the throne room of God—not what is real in the earth.

There are so many things the world considers normal that we have just accepted it to be normal for us. And do you know what we do? We see things from an earthly standpoint and try using our authority in Jesus and confessing healing scriptures to try and keep those diseases away. Instead of acting like you can get sick and trying to stand against it, why not take the stance that it’s impossible to get sick?

Recently, I saw a church promoting “cancer awareness month.” How hellish can you get? Why would we promote a disease? You might as well have “fornication awareness month” or “gluttony awareness month.” Well, we know no church is going to talk about gluttony. Too many want their cake and to eat it too—sometimes two or three cakes! The point is, why would we participate in making people aware of a disease and yet not aware of a sin? Why promote the problem and not be willing to promote the source?

It’s because we believe the disease is not just possible, but part of life. I refuse to participate in disease awareness months. Why would I promote the curse? Why don’t we have healing awareness month or the Blood of Jesus awareness month? Instead of wearing a pink ribbon to promote the devil, why not wear a red ribbon and promote the Blood? We are so accustomed to the curse that even the mention of it seems weird to people—and I’m talking about Christians! I know that some good-hearted Christians participate in these things because of the loss of a loved one or because of a close friend or relative who is currently going through an issue. I get it that it is out of a heart of love and maybe honor, but it is coming from a cursed mindset. If you are looking for a way to honor a loved one who moved to Heaven because of a disease, there are much better ways to honor them instead of promoting the devil. Autism month. Cancer month. Heart Disease Month. Parkinson’s Month. You name the disease, there is a month in which it is being revered, and friend, what you revere, you will fear and what you fear, you will serve. It may be from sympathy, but it is hell that is pushing it.

The more it becomes normal for you, the more it becomes possible for you. Instead of trying to raise money for an organization in which the majority of the funds go to administrative costs, why not spend our time and finances making people aware of what redemption will provide? Why not promote that through Jesus you never have to be sick again—and if you currently have sickness in your body, He will heal you right now!

We are one spirit with the Lord. Why would we believe in sickness anymore? If we are dead to sin, we are dead to disease. If we are dead to the source, we are dead to the byproduct. Friend, we are dead to sickness, so why are we resurrecting it?

Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has died has been freed from sin (Romans 6:6-7 NKJV).

Dead people can’t get sick—so why would you think you could?

When you died with Christ, you were freed from sickness.

The world has all of their worldly wisdom on all of the things that can go wrong with your body and the ages at which these things happen. They have a list of various exams you need to have at different ages. They have a list of things that you are prone to depending on your gender, race, and ethnicity. Do you know what? I don’t care about their list. I have Christians say all the time, “Well Chad, you need to use wisdom.” What are most talking about? They want you to use the wisdom of the world—but that wisdom will kill you.

Now certainly, if you have been experiencing health issues and you have been “standing on the Word for your healing” but have had a hard time making that connection, there are some situations in which it is wisdom to go to the doctor and get some help. It’s important that we won’t play faith. If you need to get some medical help, then get some medical help.

People may think I am against doctors and medicine and that is the furthest thing from the truth. Doctors have saved the lives of many Christians, but modern medicine is not in the divine plan of God either. There are many people whose lives have been saved by going to the doctor, but there are also people who have lost their lives by going to the doctor because the doctor made a mistake.

I have had people come to me before and ask if they should go to the doctor. In most situations, I have said, “Yes.” Why? Because if you are thinking you should go to the doctor, that tells me where your faith is at. Most of those people are wanting to go, they are just looking for someone to say it is okay to go without being condemned for it. So I say all of that to say this: if it is life and death and you are having a hard time connecting with the life of God, it is wisdom to go to the doctor and get some possible help. But the “wisdom” of the world that I am cautioning you about is the wisdom that is always searching for something based on their expertise of a cursed world. The wisdom of the world is always searching for the curse and preparing for the curse. Well, what you search for, you will find—guaranteed.

Why would I do that when I am dead to it? I don’t operate according to the world’s wisdom. The phrase, “You better use wisdom” is killing people. All the times I was stepping out in faith to follow the plan of God for my life, I had people telling me, “You better use wisdom.” If I would have followed their wisdom, I wouldn’t have seen miracles. I remember ministers telling me during the spread of COVID that I needed to use wisdom. Those same ministers shut down their churches because of “wisdom.” While I was still pastoring in the state of Arkansas, I was severely under attack from the local and state government. Despite the governor of Arkansas telling the news reporters he was going to shut my church down, I kept my church open and was inviting people with COVID to come to our church and be healed. Do you know what happened? I actually had leadership of other churches admit to me they wished they would have followed my lead and kept their church open.

Friend, I am not looking to the experts of the world to tell me what is possible in the Kingdom of God. I am not looking at a calendar to tell me when certain parts of my body need to be checked and when I need to start using my authority over potential issues simply because of my age. Why should we look for things to go wrong when God made us righteous so that things stay right?

Righteousness not only affects your position with God, but it also affects your position against the curse in the world. We are so right that the wrongs can’t touch us—unless we think they can. In Christ, we are untouchable—unless you think you aren’t.

Whatever you think is possible, it’s possible, and your faith will latch on to it. Possibilities are the hopes you have in your soul, and whatever has your soul has your faith, and whatever has your faith will produce in your life.

What is the possibility that the only reason Christians are getting sick is because we think it is still possible?

Chad Gonzales

Dr. Chad Gonzales is the founder of The Healing Academy, host of The Way Of Life television program and The Supernatural Life Podcast. He holds a Master of Education and Doctorate of Ministry. Throughout the US and internationally, Chad has helped thousands experience miraculous healings; he is on a global mission to help the everyday believer walk according to the standard of Jesus Christ Himself.


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