Decrees that Break Witchcraft, Curses & Ungodly Agendas

Witchcraft and Curses Broken


We decree the power and activity of witchcraft and the occult that is working against this nation is bound and rendered powerless in the Name of Jesus! We break the power of every curse, spell, incantation, and hex spoken by the workers of divination. We declare that all words uttered using sorcery to sabotage the United States of America shall fall to the ground and have no effect. We bind the release of demons authorized by occultic practices and rituals. We say that the workers of witchcraft and magic shall lose their ability to alter the blessing of this country and all demonic control crumbles and falls. We prophesy that the groups, clubs, gatherings, covens, and assemblies of satanic worship shall be dissolved. We say that all their monuments and symbols of idolatry and satanism shall be torn down and removed! We condemn and reverse every curse already in motion and command it to return to the place from which it was sent. We decree that the curse is null and void and we say it is replaced with blessing and peace. We loose angelic activity to war against demons in the heavenlies and to bring about an outpouring of God’s goodness and covering to this land. We stand firm and decree that all witchcraft curses in this nation are removed and entirely broken in Jesus’ Name!


And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven (Matthew 16:19 KJV).

Word of Encouragement

We always have to remind ourselves of what goes on in the unseen spiritual world that we can’t physically see. As believers, we must stay aware of the war behind the scenes. We can’t neglect the legitimacy of the occult and its effect on a nation. Here in the United States and in much of the Western world, witchcraft and sorcery are often presented and accepted as little more than fun and fantasy. Many people have little comprehension that there are serious occult groups who are dedicated to unleashing the demonic in every sector of society. What many think is hocus-pocus or magic games, members of the occult are taking it seriously and using witchcraft for all manner of evil. They are committed to the regular practice of satanic rituals, supernatural experiences through demonic power, and the like, and their endgame is to have absolute control over the nation.

As believers, the Bible is clear that we have authority against the devil and his minions. What we bind on earth is bound in the heavens. Through our faith-filled words and the power of Jesus’ Name, we can interrupt and break the communications and transmissions that the workers of divination are releasing against our country. We can also bind these demons from influencing society into a moral decline and general acceptance of corruption. Our declaration over our great nation is that the work of witchcraft and all curses are bound in the Name of Jesus!

Ungodly Agendas and Ideologies Shall Fail!


We decree that man-made agendas and ideologies shall fail. We prophesy that plans and beliefs built upon humanism, atheism, selfism, and pride shall be destroyed by the power of God. Every philosophy, idea, and agenda erected through demonic influence is broken in the Name of Jesus! We bind socialism, totalitarianism, communism, and false religion. We take authority over every mind-binding demon that would confuse people’s minds causing them to misinterpret and twist the truth or the facts. We bind the forked tongue of the corrupt and say they cannot lure people into erroneous political doctrines and tenets. We say that woke agendas and ungodly programs shall be halted and unable to move forward. We release that which is good upon this nation! In the Name of Jesus, we loose a spirit of blessing, goodness, kindness, and agendas that are for the well-being and godly justice of the people. We prophesy that ideas and principles shall be developed which shall supply helpful solutions. Those solutions will be passed through Congress and the Oval Office without being stonewalled and vetoed. We declare a divine outpouring of humility and a turning to God for answers, and we call for a mass shift toward righteousness in people’s beliefs. We decree every ungodly belief system shall utterly fail in Jesus’ Name!


He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8 ESV)

Word of Encouragement

The verse above is a short summary of the character God expects to reside inside every human being. Obviously it doesn’t, but this verse is a clear address from God to humanity. Yet rather than good we are often seeing people turn toward hatred and mean-spirited ways. Many who scream for justice are the most egregious instigators of injustice. They demand from others what they refuse to give in return. They are devoid of the most basic forms of human kindness but rather marked by pride and selfism. Using threats, they work to impose their extreme and false beliefs upon others. They shake their fist at God in defiance to retain the evil things they want to abide by.

Undoubtedly these examples are all too familiar in our society, but what can be done? It begins with a divine outpouring across the nation that causes people to turn from such behaviors. It also begins with those who are already willing to follow the principles found in Micah 6:8. If we would walk humbly with our God, our beliefs would be rightly aligned. Loving justice according to God’s standard would change what people do and the ideologies they embrace. It would shift how we treat our fellow man. It would change the actions of leadership in government. Causing this to happen requires supernatural intervention, but we can definitely pray for a failure of man-made ideologies, agendas, and attitudes so that we can see the good arise. We can declare the godly things replace the ungodly, and people everywhere will believe differently and follow what God requires.

Brenda Kunneman

Brenda Kunneman pastors Lord of Hosts Church, in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, Hank. She is a writer and teacher, who ministers nationally and internationally, seeing lives change through the prophetic word and ministry in the Holy Spirit, coupled with a balanced, relevant message. Together, she and her husband also host a weekly TV program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, on Daystar Television Network.


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