Former Child Slave Experiences Healing After Prophetic Dream

These incredible pictures are of a precise moment when heaven was invading earth and truly setting a little girl free.

A few weeks back on social media, I shared you a picture and told the story of a nine-year-old girl we had just rescued from sexual slavery. She lives on the Amazon River, had nobody to help her and some of our other rescued kids actually brought her to us. She was in bad, bad shape.

She was so traumatized that she would not allow any kind of human touch and she was completely nonverbal. Just so bad abused that she had lost her ability to be a little girl.

While I was in Florida doing a conference, I had a dream. I was being interviewed by somebody from heaven and he asked me, “Even though you saw miracles throughout your life, what is one you missed and wish you would’ve seen happen?”

We had microphones and everything in this interview and immediately I said, “Oh that’s easy. I wish I would’ve joined the team in the Amazon and that little girl would have run up to me, given me a hug, and started speaking again. It would’ve been such an awesome miracle!”

When I woke up, I thought about this dream for a long, long time. I was scheduled to preach on Sunday and had already had guest speakers on Sunday. But after telling Leanna, she said, “You’ve got to go. I’ll preach on Sunday.”

That settled it. We booked a flight, Leanna flew home, I drove to Miami, and was in Colombia on the Amazon Sunday afternoon.

I asked all my teams, Elders and friends to pray that this dream would come true, of how faith God is to answer prayer.

I called on Saturday and she wasn’t any better. A messed-up, terribly abused tiny thing that couldn’t talk or touch anybody. But I was determined this was real.

Pastor Darrell picked me up at the airport and we drove straight across the border into Brazil. My team was hosting a giant event for all of our kids at the rescue home. I got out of the car, walked inside and Pastor Suanamy pointed her out. She was sitting with other little girls eating ice cream. 

This was the moment I had been praying for! King Jesus, I was hoping so hard that He was gonna heal her.

She made eye contact. I smiled, she smiled. I held out my arms and that little girl got up, came across the room and hugged me like she had always known and loved me. The pastor said, “That’s a miracle!” 

I whispered in her ear, “I’m your Papa Troy and Jesus says it’s ok for you to talk.”

That little girl took a deep breath, opened her mouth and said, “Troy.” We started clapping and praising God. It’s was crazy awesome! The power of Jesus in that tiny moment manifested in such a huge way. Within a few minutes, she was speaking full sentences and hugging everyone. Oh my goodness it was amazing.

Our photographer, Giles, caught this very moment on camera and I’m so excited to give you a front row seat and a tiny glimpse into a true miracle moment.

Her little life is so precious! I really needed to see this miracle and God is faithful. There’s nobody like Jesus and the story continues because God isn’t finished yet!

Troy Brewer

Troy Brewer is a tireless student of God’s Word and sold-out believer in all things prophetic. Pastor at OpenDoor Church in Burleson, Texas, Troy’s radio and television programs are broadcast worldwide. He is a global missionary known for his radical love for Jesus, unique teaching style, and his passion for serving people. Troy rescues girls and boys from sex trafficking worldwide through his ministry


Individual Experiences, Part 1


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