6 Decrees For A Lovesick Thirst For the Holy Spirit
O God of my life, I’m lovesick for you in this weary wilderness. I thirst with the deepest longings to love you more, with cravings in my heart that can’t be described. Such yearning grips my soul for you, my God! I’m energized every time I enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power and drink in more of your glory. For your tender mercies mean more to me than life itself. How I love and praise you, God! Daily I will worship you passionately and with all my heart (Psalm 63:1-4 TPT).
The highest privilege you and I have is fellowship with the Holy Spirit. When we have daily communion with Him, our thirst is quenched and we are completely satisfied. Now activate the truth of God’s Word by speaking these declarations over your life. Much Love!
Psalm 16, Psalm 23, Psalm 63:1-8, John 14:15-17, 1 Corinthians 6:17 John 7
“I declare that I will always hunger and thirst for more of You, Holy Spirit.”
“As I seek the Holy Spirit in the morning, my body, soul, and spirit are energized in Your presence.”
“My privileged habit is to worship and praise the Lord daily. My life is a 24-hour house of praise!”
“The anointing of the Lord’s presence satisfies my soul like nothing else!”
“As I lie down at night, I will meditate and remember all that the Lord has done for me.”
“Because the Holy Spirit satisfies my thirst, I will walk with songs of praise in my mouth throughout this day.”
“Lord, thank You that Your precious Holy Spirit satisfies my hunger and quenches my thirst. Thank You for giving me the most precious gift, Your Holy Spirit. Amen.”