Unlock Your Prophetic Destiny By Accessing Heaven’s Books

Unlocking the new that God has for us requires us discerning what is in the books of Heaven.

As we have said, there are many books in Heaven. There are many different kinds of books in Heaven. However, one of the main books is the book of destiny. We have already looked at Psalm 139:16 earlier. This is a critical scripture to understanding books and what is in them.

Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.

David the psalmist gives insight into how our kingdom purpose was established. There are several things about this scripture that we should look into. Through prophetic revelation, we can discern what is contained in the book that has our God-ordained destiny and future in it. This is critical to getting out of the old and into the new. Whatever new God has for you is written in the book about you. I remember several years ago being in the meeting of a prophet. As the meeting was progressing and worship was happening, this prophet walked over to me. He said he was seeing my book that was opened. He said the pages were turning very fast. He understood that the delay in my life was being overcome. He further declared that God was catching me up in my destiny and purpose. This was why the pages of the book were rapidly being turned forward. Every resistance was removed. I had been freed to come out of the old I was stuck in and into the new! This has in fact happened.

If we are to discern what is written in the books about us, we should understand some significant things. Let’s look at truths and facts about these books of destiny. First of all, the Bible called this book “Yours.” This is referring to God. David said what was writ- ten in the book was about God’s agenda and purpose. This is God’s book. So often we major on our desire, purpose, and destiny. The truth is, it’s about Him. According to Romans 11:36, everything is about Him and for Him.

For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.

This is essential to being the most effective in the Courts of Heaven. What we are doing foremost in the Courts is contending for His will to be done. This is what the devil ultimately is resisting. Our commission as His people on earth is to fight for God’s will to be done on earth, even as it is in heaven. Of course, this is what Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:10.

Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Anything and everything resisting the will of God on earth, we are to remove and revoke its rights. It is our job to see what it written in the books fleshed out on earth. The book is the Lord’s and contains His passion and desire on earth. Another thing about the book is it is what God saw. God saw my substance yet unformed. Clearly this is what is written in the book of Heaven about me. The Lord looked down through the ages and saw that which concerned me. The Lord methodically has pieced together His design and plan for the ages. He has purposed that it will require generations to fulfill His redemptive plan on earth. This means that different people will have different assignments in each generation. This will allow the redemptive purposes of God to be fulfilled on earth. Revelation 10:7 proclaims the mystery of God finished. This is the redemptive plan of God that will be fully accomplished.

But in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets.

Everything that God has purposed and planned will be fully unveiled and completed. Each one of us has a part to play in this plan. This is what is written in His book. God looked down through the ages and saw a hole or lack in His plan. You were thought up as one who would fill that hole and provide for the lack. You are the answer—a piece necessary to God’s plan. God saw a need and purposed to meet it through creating you. He saw you and everything you would need to be. He then wrote this down in the book.

Another thing we should know about the books of destiny is your substance was written in this book. This is a reference to your DNA. This is what makes you good at certain things and not good at others. This is what makes you gravitate toward certain things while you are repelled from others. This is even what makes you like and join yourself to certain people while you may not be drawn to others. Biblically speaking, this is determined by a grace you were given before time began. We’ve looked at it earlier, but 2 Timothy 1:9 gives us insight into this.

Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.

Notice that purpose and grace was given to us before time began. This means that we were born with certain propensities, inclinations, and even giftings. These are clues to the destiny in the purposes of God we were created for. Whatever our destinies are, connected to the purpose of God, we were made with giftings and inclinations in that area. We should pay attention to these. They are signs to our ultimate purpose and intent.

The other thing we should realize about our books is the days have been fashioned beforehand. This means at least a couple of things. One is it implies our lifespan and length of days is already determined. As we said before, this seems to be somewhat able to be altered. It can be diminished or increased. However, it would appear that from before time we were appointed a certain number of days. Our days being fashioned can also mean that there is an appointed time in our lifespan when certain significant things happen. In other words, there are times when strategic things occur as we step into new seasons of our destiny arranged by God. These are kairos moments of time. Kairos is a Greek word for time. It means a moment in time when opportunities are granted to enter divine purposes. These times should not be missed or refused. These are times when it is the season God has planned and pre- pared you for. This is when things accelerate into the next place that God has predetermined. These days have already been fashioned for you.

With all this said, we must prophetically sense what is written in our book. This means out of our walk with God, we are able to discern what we were made for. The more intimately we walk with the Lord, the more He is able to unveil for us what we are ultimately here for. I remember years ago, as I was praying, I heard the Lord say, “You will disciple nations.” This was when I was in a great time of distress. People were against me and things looked very bleak. I also heard the Lord in this time say, “They do not determine your future, I do.” These were significant words. I now know those words came out of my book that is in Heaven. I was prophetically hearing what was connected to my book. These words have come to pass and still continue to come to pass. These were not things I chose for myself, but what God wrote in my book before time began. He gave me giftings, inclinations, propensities, and desires consistent with what is in my book. These have helped me discern what I am called to. As I have contended in the Courts of Heaven, I have seen every delay revoked. I have been able to recover myself and see the purposes of God written in my book be fulfilled. You can too.

Lord, I know that Your purpose is connected to my destiny You wrote in Your book about me. I declare before You that I desire this destiny that Your purpose might be done. I ask that I might have all that is written in Your book about me. I ask that every delay would be revoked and removed. Any legal thing that the enemy might be using against me, I ask that it be annulled. I want the fullness of all that You wrote about me to become mine. Let Your purposes be fulfilled on earth. Let satan’s agenda be undone and Your will be accomplished, in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Robert Henderson

Robert Henderson is considered the Leading Authority on the Courts of Heaven.

With a passion to see the Lord's Kingdom come to earth in a tangible way, Robert Henderson is a man of undistracted devotion. Considered the authority on the Courts of Heaven teaching, Robert Henderson has been given an apostolic teaching gift, demonstrations of signs and wonders, and a governmental authority that flows from the Throne of God. His teaching ministry through preaching and writing has gone around the world and impacted many believers. He has been married to his high school sweetheart, Mary for over 34 years. They have six children and four grandchildren. Together they are enjoying life in beautiful Midlothian, TX.


God the Creator


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