Revoke Demonic Curses & Bloodline Covenants: 5 Steps for Spiritual Annulment
Wherever there is a covenant made with demons in family history, these demons then claim these families for themselves.
This happened in my life. Everything was falling to pieces in our lives. No amount of praying was changing anything. Instead, it was getting worse and worse. This is when the covenant with a demon god was uncovered. A seer saw clearly that someone in my bloodline had made a covenant with a demon god named Parax. I found out later that this demon god was known in history. It is defined as everything from a ruler of hell to a demon to a rebel. It also is associated with war and being a warrior. This thing was claiming the legal right to destroy me, claim my lineage, and do damage to my God-ordained purpose.
Someone in my ancestry had made a covenant with this thing. The Henderson lineage is from Scotland, and we were known for our fierceness and hostility in battle. Probably someone in my history had made a covenant with this demon god to be effective and win in warfare. I had to annul this. I had to go before the Courts of Heaven and ask for a judgment to revoke the claim this thing was making. Its claim was allowing the destruction of my family and my children’s futures. When I stood in the Courts of Heaven and made my case, the legal rights of the demon were silenced. My family came free from the curse. How did I do this before the Courts?
First of all, I came and surrendered myself before the presence of the Lord. This is essential to operating in the Courts of Heaven and removing a curse’s legal claims. Romans 12:1 tells us how important this is.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
Breaking Generational Curses from the Courts of Heaven
Robert Henderson
The complete surrender of our entire being is the most logical thing we can do. In light of Jesus’s great sacrifice for us, we must surrender and sacrifice ourselves to Him. James 4:7 also tells us that surrender is necessary to see the devil’s rights revoked.
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
When we submit ourselves to the Lord, power and authority to see the devil flee become ours. Our surrender to Jesus as the Lord of our life sets us in the right place to see the Courts act on our behalf.
The second thing I did was repent for any agreement with the demonic through my sin. We are told in Psalm 32:5-6 that the godly are the ones who repent. So often people think it’s the wicked and evil who need repentance. However, those who desire God with a passion are those who repent.
I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to You in a time when You may be found; surely in a flood of great waters they shall not come near him.
The godly pray and repent to the Lord for any sin the devil could be using against us. When we do this, the blood of Jesus speaks on our behalf. It is the blood that removes the legal claims of the devil against us. When this is done, curses lose their right to function.
The third thing I did was repent for the covenant my ancestor had made with the demonic. Please realize that when I repent for the activities of my forefathers, I am not changing their eternal destiny. My repentance acknowledges the sin and revokes the legal claim of the devil to use that ancestral sin as a legal right against me. The blood of Jesus silences the claims of the devil based on the previous sin in my bloodline. Satan can no longer make claims against me from that covenant.
The fourth thing I did was give back anything the demonic could say I had gained from them. Remember that covenants with demons were made to gain some advantage—rain in season, power for war, protection from enemies, prosperity and wealth, and any number of other things. When we want out of the covenant with the demonic, they will claim we have gained things from them. We must be willing to give it back. We must be willing to pray and release anything from them that might have prospered us. We must simultaneously say that we want only what we have from the Lord and His blood that speaks for us. We know that all advantages actually come from His good hand. These statements must be made in the Courts of Heaven or the devil can contend that we shouldn’t be allowed to go free.
The fifth thing I did was to renounce all association and agreement with the demonic. When I renounce something, I am declaring I will not have anything else to do with it. Second Corinthians 4:1-2 speaks of renouncing every hidden thing.
Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart. But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.
The word renounce is the Greek word apeipomen and means to “speak off oneself, to disown.” Notice that not losing heart means renouncing hidden things. When we disown every agreement with demonic powers, a new strength and power will be ours. Every right to harass and sabotage our present and our future will be revoked and removed.
This is exactly what happened in my life. The ministry I had received was greatly empowered when the legal claims of curses were removed. We started living life on a whole new level because the restrictive effects of curses were revoked and annulled. Amazing new doors started to open. Finances began to increase. Influence began to grow. Probably the most amazing thing that happened was that my children began to come into divine order. They began to live out the future and destiny God had for them. I didn’t know it at the time, but the covenant that was in my bloodline with the demonic allowed it to claim my lineage. When this was revoked and annulled, my children became free. They each began to pursue their God-ordained destiny with a passion. This was because the demonic ownership claimed over them was broken and they were set at liberty. Generational curses were revoked from our family line.
As I stand before Your Courts, Lord, I thank You for Your graciousness and favor. I come before You surrendering to You. I present myself as a living sacrifice in Your presence. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable before You. May I be submitted to You in every area that I might be judged by You as one who is Yours.
As I worship before You, Lord, I repent for any and all places of rebellion, disobedience, or unruliness. Forgive me for the places I have walked in disobedience to You. Cleanse me from my secret faults, redeem me from my presumptuous sins, and may I be innocent of the great transgression. May I be Your vessel walking in surrender and submission to You.
I also repent for any and all sins in my bloodline. Iniquity and all covenants with demons, known or unknown—may they be annulled by Your precious blood. I remind these Courts that I am purchased by the blood of Jesus that is speaking on my behalf. May this blood silence every claim against me. May every demonic assertion against me and my bloodline now be quiet. May every legal claim they make from covenants with demons in my bloodline no longer be able to speak. Their right to afflict me and my lineage is now revoked and removed in Jesus’s name.
I also give back to these dark powers anything they claim I have gained from them. I want nothing that comes from them. I want no association on any level with them. I give back to them any and all things they claim to have given to me and my bloodline. I want only what belongs to me from the Lord. I want His blessings over me and my lineage. Every provision and blessing I enjoy, may it be from the Lord only.
I now renounce and speak off and disown any connection, agreement, or covenant with any idol, god, and demon power. I and my bloodline are now free from every hidden thing. They have no claim of ownership over me. I belong only to the Lord Jesus by His wonderful blood. Let every curse now be judged as illegal and unrighteous. It no longer has a right to land against me. I and my lineage are now free in Jesus’s name, amen!
Stop Allowing Demonic Curses Access to You and Your Family
Are your prayers going unanswered? Have you been suffering with no respite or breakthrough? Does it feel like the devil is opposing you at every turn? These are just a few signs that generational curses are at work in your life.
Don't be fooled: The curses flowing down your earthly bloodlines can―and do―harass you in the here and now. Yet through the work of Jesus, your Advocate and Intercessor, you are fully equipped to break every curse holding you back.
Having experienced freedom in his own life and lineage, apostle and bestselling author Robert Henderson takes you to the Courts of Heaven, guiding you through the process of annulling demonic curses and clearing the way for breakthrough and victory.
In this biblical and accessible guide, he equips you to:
Identify signs and symptoms of curses operating in your life.
Apply the legal work of Jesus in the Courts of Heaven to demolish bloodline curses.
Make breakthrough decrees.
Release the voice of Jesus, Your Advocate, over every curse holding you back from victory.
Renounce and revoke all generational curses today, and watch the floodgates of Heaven open over your life―and the lives of your family!