‘I Saw Angels Partnering with Christians From Heaven After I Died’

In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also (John 14:2-3 ESV).

My journey in Heaven was consumed with being in God’s presence.

It took only a nanosecond in Heaven to realize that my home existed not in form but in the personhood of Jesus. Now I realize that God assigned a guardian angel to me for a lifetime on earth. Indeed, thousands of angels of different varieties and forms circled about Heaven. Their appearances varied by the color of their sashes or by their faces. In the distance, I saw angels worshipping with choruses of praises, whose features were more akin to humans. Each sang with the force of ten human voices.

Some angels dove downward toward the world below. Jesus explained them as warrior angels. They held silvery swords and were adorned with tight-fitted silver suits that didn’t reflect but absorbed the light of Jesus. When they flew, the faces of the warrior angels and the trails they made flashed like bolts of lightning. I knew from the Holy Spirit’s impartation that these were the warring angels I beheld in the second heaven as I rose toward the third heaven, which is God’s domain.

The Holy Spirit impressed upon me that these warrior angels respond instantly to commands from God’s Throne—commands issued in response to prayers that work in combination with God’s “appointments.” The word given to me by the Holy Spirit that I understood was that all of this activity was part of God’s design for each person’s life.

Although the book of Enoch 1 mentions the archangels, I could not reference the angels by name, but Jesus elucidated their stature and heavenly assignments while I was in Heaven.

“I command each of Mine angels,” Jesus explained. “They go forth to declare My Word. Some archangels battle for dominion of territories in the world. The guardian angels battle for each of My children. Some angels guard My Throne, in praise and worship to My Father, and some battle for the right to speak My truth to those who would listen.”

I looked over God’s Kingdom and saw people and angels coexisting and operating according to the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. Some angels stood guard over a place off in the distance, which stood in the center of some villages I beheld around where we stood. These were the most spectacular-looking angels, whose brilliance nearly blinded me. Their faces and bodies glowed like cut diamonds and other gemstones. Their eyes looked upon Jesus even as they turned their heads like 360-degree camera lenses, although their eyes beamed forth light from the place behind them. In front of these angels appeared a series of circular gates, in spheres. They were somewhat like the spheres from which I saw my grandmother emerge. The awe of what I witnessed utterly bedazzled me, and Jesus sensed my desire for understanding.

“We will go there soon, beloved,” Jesus said. “Where?” I asked.

“To the place of creation, beloved,” He said. “And there you will see Me with My Father.”

“The Throne Room?” I asked, while implicitly understanding the answer.

“Yes, beloved, you will see that which is to come and you will see the fullness of Our Glory.”

I implicitly knew that I could only see the Throne Room with my spiritual eyes, because no one could behold the full Glory of God in the flesh and live (Exodus 33:20).

Jesus swung His arm outward, and thousands of angels followed the emittance of His outspread light, like giant doves with human-like faces, that flew in perfect unison. I knew that the angels did not fly without purpose, because in Heaven nothing happens without intention. I also knew from the Holy Spirit that the angels were preparing something in response to Jesus’s commands. Only later would I understand the monumental intention of Jesus’s simple, commanded Word.

The absolute peace I felt in Heaven began to shift. I cannot explain the feeling, because my spirit mind flowed in attention to Jesus much like the angels; only my flight with Jesus took me to an endless city that had structures unlike any architectural designs I knew in the world.

“I have more to show you about your life, before we go into My Throne Room,” said Jesus.

I hovered over gargantuan abodes made of crystalline stones that reflected swirls of incandescent colors. I saw people traveling in groups or families, as they walked through these places and into adjacent superstructures. Everyone knew one another and occasionally embraced in the tenderest of ways. Their faces beamed with a pleasant calm and peace as they journeyed with a dedicated reason for their activities. At the same time, everyone expressed a carefree attitude toward their destinations.

Some of the glorious structures appeared as behemoth homes that reflected the styles of the people entering them. Block-long and larger buildings had marble edifices and must have contained gifts, since people carried familiar objects out of them, such as books and materials of all kinds. Living trees, bushes, flowers, and flowing green grass lined each structure. There was no need for sidewalks since the soft, golden path on which I traveled with Jesus provided pathways everywhere within the pristine and sparkling city. It was a place dotted with expansive parks that were thousands of miles long and far grander than any I have seen in the world.

Millions of people traversed across this expansive space. Some walked and some glided like the birds that flew across the fair-weathered sky.

Some stood on the fertile ground in conversations with others, while some hovered above gentle-looking lions, bears, canines, and other animals of all species that appeared far softer than those on earth. The animals were more attuned to the needs of the human spirits, and I saw people cuddling with them. At times, animals such as horses bent downward to allow people to ride them. Not one appeared to need food. The animals’ attentions focused solely on pleasing the people around them, and I watched as they obediently responded to their commands.

My eyes fixed upon a group of three people who were holding hands in a circle in the park. There were two men and a woman who had long brown hair that glistened from the light of Jesus. One of the men sported a goatee and another had kinky hair. Although their features differed, none of that mattered as they bowed in prayer for someone below. I knew they prayed for a person on earth, because their prayers appeared as tiny, sparkling stars that showered upon the world.

The most surprising appearance to me was Jesus, who stood in the midst of them at the same time He stood beside me. Then I realized that the Holy Spirit, the most ubiquitous or omnipresent of the Persons of God, could appear at any moment as Jesus. I perceived that the Holy Spirit enjoined the prayers of the threesome with the light of Jesus, and this caused the sparkling answers to their prayers, which carried the weight of God to earth. Before my eyes, I could see how prayer operates as a mixture of people’s words and the effervescence of God.

“You see how I enjoin the prayers of My saints,” Jesus said. Then the Holy Spirit chimed in, with knowing, not words:

And We always say “Yes” to the prayers of those who pray with

Me, because when We pray together, the hearts of Our children only desire what We desire. But when they pray apart from Us, their prayers are like vapors—they evaporate with the winds of the world. But when I breathe life into their prayers, they shower the one prayed for with those sparkles that you see.

Like a spiritual shower, I thought.

“The light from Heaven speaks also to My angels,” said Jesus.

With those words, I witnessed an angel diving toward the prayer recipient in the world. Then I realized that those sparkles were the angels that I had perceived from afar.

My warrior angels, the Holy Spirit replied.

“And the demons do not stand a chance against My appointed ones,” Jesus said, with a voice lower than I had previously heard. Perhaps that was because of the gravity with which He battled in the spiritual realm—the same spiritual realm I witnessed before meeting Jesus. It struck me that Jesus did not relish defeating His enemies. He grieved for the fallen angels and for people who rejected Him, which necessitated God’s judgment against the offenders.

Next, I witnessed a righteous anger that showed itself not as an expression on Jesus’s calm face, rather, His anger revealed itself in a kind of blustering heat that made me wonder if the fires I saw in hell were remnants of God’s righteous anger against those who had defied His righteousness—anger that had settled into their own self-righteousness, which left them with nothing but the stifling heat of their own rage. Suddenly, I realized that my theory was not a theory at all. It was the wisdom of understanding being imparted to me by the Holy Spirit.

I continued observing people in Heaven who were going about their activities with a joy that inspired me. Teachers were preaching in public squares. Builders effortlessly created masterpieces out of living stones that fit perfectly together, as people ran like the wind. No randomness defined their activities. Rather, their movements and words appeared orchestrated by the breath of the Holy Spirit, who spoke the same inspiration to them that He spoke to me. I felt as though I could write a masterpiece or teach with pure revelation.

All people in Heaven walked with a level of radiance about them, but some were brighter than others. The Holy Spirit explained to me that the closer one is to God on earth, the more of God’s Glory will shine in and over them. The degree of their service unto God imparted a greater glow to them, making them more joyful. Their dedication to God on earth also enabled them to do even greater works in Heaven. So even though status did not define their position in Heaven, the degree of their closeness and service to God on earth imparted to them in Heaven a greater power and closeness to God.

The Holy Spirit directed me to one person who had continuously prayed for people on earth. She had also performed consistent acts of kindness toward others while teaching Bible classes. She gleamed more brightly than those around her. She taught others within a circle, and her command of God’s Word and intellectual banter impressed upon me that she was a renowned scholar, although the Holy Spirit told me that in the world she had barely graduated from middle school.

She is highly talented and esteemed here because of her faithfulness on earth, the Holy Spirit whispered. She seemed to me as a dignitary in Heaven, because those around her honored her influence and position.

Everyone in Heaven busied themselves with meaningful activities and everything felt intentional, in accordance with God’s intention. It all seemed like child’s play, not work. I soon realized that the loss of innocence that occurs when children mature into adults, is returned in Heaven such that anything done is like play—with a renewed, inquisitive mind that can learn of God’s wonder, in an eternal bliss. A profound lesson for me is that everything in Heaven serves a purpose. Everyone lives with the intention of fulfilling God’s purpose for them, and everything is fantastically fun and deeply satisfying.

I also intuitively knew people at the core of their being—as friends, not strangers. It dawned on me that I perceived the essence of the people I viewed, not just their outward appearance. Their outward appearances seemed inconsequential as compared to their core nature. Each person reminded me of Jesus since I witnessed His reflection through them.

“You see them as they truly appear to Me,” Jesus said, “and not as you saw them in the world.”

“They appear so genuine,” I said. “I can sense their purity and their personalities at the same time, Lord. I’ve never perceived people this way until now, here, but foremost at their core is a love for You and for one another as family. There are no boundaries, no superficiality, and no facades. It’s pure communion with You and with one another. Oh my—this is truly Heaven!”

Jesus chuckled. “And do you love them, My beloved?”

“Yes! I love them like I’ve always wanted to love my dearest loved ones in the world, but I could never completely achieve that fullness of love. These are strangers to me, yet I feel like I’ve known them for a lifetime, Lord.”

“You see Me in them,” Jesus answered. “You love them with My love.”

“But not as much as You love me,” I said.

“No one can love My sons and daughters as I love them, but even a small fraction of My love would be exponentially greater than the greatest love anyone could feel for someone in the world. Here, you have the created fullness of My love for others. Only the Creator can love completely.”

“And there are no carnal desires, Lord.”

“Because you are not carnal, beloved. You are Spirit,” Jesus said. “Just as You are Spirit, Lord.”

“Yes, beloved, you are Mine and I am yours,” Jesus said.

“But we’re not yet finished with your life,” Jesus said. “I have more to show you.”

Randy Kay

Randy Kay, a CEO and strategic business leader, knows firsthand through his own near-death experience how God can transform suffering into joy and pain into purpose. His breakthrough research on thriving in life has spanned several decades, uncovering practical ways to overcome trials and attain God's purpose in your life. Randy and his wife Renee make their home in Carlsbad, California.


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