Glory Touches Man’s Spine, Heals Him Immediately
Many years after our journey to fully live for Jesus, my husband and I launched a supernatural school of ministry and a healing room ministry at our local church.
We wanted to give room for people to experience the transforming gospel the way we had. We began periodic healing training in efforts to build, equip, and activate healing teams.
One night it was my turn to teach the second session of the healing training. I could feel the atmosphere change as I began to talk about the fire of the Holy Spirit. As I continued to talk about the Holy Spirit, a man to my left stood up and raised his hand as if he had something to say. I could tell by the look on his face that this was not an unnecessary interruption. I asked him to tell the room of twenty to twenty-five people what happened. With tears in his eyes, he thanked me for touching his back and that he was healed. A little confused, I celebrated his healing before asking for more details. He said that he had been out of work for two weeks due to a vertebrae injury. While working, he had had an accident and felt his back crack. Since that time, he experienced high-level pain. He had already registered for the training that night and wanted to attend by faith. Then he said, “When you touched my back, I felt heat, and when I moved, the bones in my spine popped. All the pain immediately left!” He and his wife were so happy. After the applause, I told him that I was so happy, but I explained that I never touched him or anyone else. He then looked to his wife, and she assured him that she had not touched his back; she wouldn’t have because she knew it was so sensitive. This gentleman began to bend, twist, and lift up his knees in order to check his body out. With tears in his eyes, he said all his pain was gone. He was especially elated that no one but the hand of God healed him that day.
A few weeks later, Tommy and I were teaching another healing training. I arrived to do my usual session, and as I was speaking about the gift of faith, a woman in the back waved her hand at me and interrupted my teaching. She said that she took her hearing aids out because she could feel an unusual presence resting on her. As soon as she removed them, her ears opened just in time to hear me say “the faith of God” when I referenced Mark 11. God opened her ears. She later explained that she was more than 80 percent deaf in both ears. We all celebrated God for His manifest presence.
When I returned home that night, I laid on our half-inflated air mattress and thought about what took place, convinced I had never seen anything like this. Then I was reminded of the times that God touched me, healed me, and set me free without anyone else around. I became aware that these miracles were a byproduct of being in the presence of God.
“But what we are beginning to learn is that there are miracles in His very presence. There is healing in His very presence. His presence performs the miraculous.”
Glory Miracles
After this second glory miracle, as I like to call it, my husband and I began to see this same pattern more and more. Even as I write this book, we are encountering people who are being healed and receiving miracles without anyone laying hands on them. People are healed just being in the glory—God’s manifest presence. We see glory miracles on a weekly basis. We have seen many miracles in the glory, including deaf ears and blind eyes opening, tumors dissolving, and metal plates that caused limited motion in people’s bodies began to change and movement has been restored. We’ve also seen head and back injuries of different kinds healed. These miracles point to Christ the Healer, the author and finisher of our faith. The purpose of a miracle is to bring honor and glory to Jesus.
“I realized that [the mystery behind the miracles] was the presence of the Holy Spirit. When the power of the Holy Spirit is there, miracles happen.”
In hindsight, these first two healing phenomena opened my eyes to some truths as it relates to the healing ministry. First, I was being introduced to a new way of healing ministry. Up to that point, we were accustomed to healing the sick through the biblical foundation of the laying on of hands (see Hebrews 6; James 5). In fact, we still make room for this type of biblical operation, as it is a way God heals. Second, God reminded us that the activity of the Holy Spirit cannot be limited to a formula, system, or method. He wanted to train us in ministering from the simplicity of His presence. We had been training, equipping, and activating people in healing the sick, but God was equipping us for more.
God is calling people to minister from the simplicity of His presence. He wants us to minister from a place of victory because of the finished work of the cross. In His presence we learn how our participation with the Holy Spirit can happen in various ways.
“Now therefore, I pray you, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways so that I may know You [becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with You, recognizing and understanding Your ways more clearly] and that I may find grace and favor in Your sight” (Exodus 33:13 AMP).
Recognizing the Ways of God
Moses knew that greater intimacy with God’s ways would impact how he led the nation. Like Moses, we can’t accomplish our purpose without God’s favor-presence (see Exodus 33; Luke 2:52). I desire to know Him intimately and to know what His heart desires. Therefore, learning to recognize the ways of God is very important to me. If I desire to partner with God in advancing His Kingdom, I must prioritize His ways above my own. In prioritizing His ways, I gain wisdom and understanding found in His presence. Recognizing the Holy Spirit’s activity gives me an understanding of how to partner with God for miracles.
“…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Daniel 11:32).
I cannot accomplish anything outside of my friendship with Him. Miracles are not the goal; glorifying Jesus is. Miracles are the natural outcome when God is present. Fruitfulness comes from intimacy. With- out Jesus, we are powerless (see John 15).
“He planted us here with a purpose. Yet it’s a purpose we can’t accomplish without Him. Our true nature and personality will never come to fullness apart from His manifest Presence. Learning to host Him is at the center of our assignment, and it must become our focus so that we can have the success He desires before Jesus returns.”