Slay the Giants of Fear in This Era

Fear is the opposite of faith.

Faith is trust; fear causes us to run and withdraw if we agree and align with it. God spoke something so profound to me regarding the giant of fear in this new era: “If you are in fear of this new era, you won’t slay the giant of fear.”

When He spoke that, it made total sense to me. If you or I are living in the place of fear of this new era and what it entails, what it requires, what will happen, etc. and we choose to put our faith and agreement in that place of fear, then we will not slay the giant of fear that will come against us.

One of the giants that will need to be slain in this new era is the giant of fear because we are moving in uncharted territory. There will be fear of the unknown, fear of stepping out, fear of man, fear of rejec- tion, etc., and if we bow to and align with those areas of fear that raise their ugly heads to stop us from taking the new territories, then we will not slay the giants that stand before our promised lands.

Fear is always something that believers will battle, but the Lord showed me that the enemy is going to come with fear in intensity in this new era, so we are to be prepared. That’s where we live in bold faith. That’s where we remind ourselves who is for us, who is with us, greater is He who is within us, and that God does not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind (see Rom. 8:31; 1 John 4:4; 2 Tim. 1:7).

The increasing revelation of Jesus Christ and the power of the Word of God will increase in believers who embrace the work of the Holy Spirit. In this great maturing, they are going to slay the giants of fear. They will be the Davids, who will arise as men and women after God’s own heart with the stones of revelation in their hands, knowing who their God is. They will stand before the giants and declare as David did in First Samuel 17:26:

For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God? (ESV)

That roar of faith rooted in the revelation of the nature and love of God is going to come out of believers living as friends of God, louder than we have ever heard it. They will stand with fire and conviction and declare over situations that are opposite to what God is speaking, “Who do you think you are, attempting to defy the Word of God and what the Lord is speaking?”

This is a people who live in and from their seat. A people who govern from their seat. A people who see Him and see the Word of the Lord and what He is speaking and move on it by faith, unshakeable, unstoppable, knowing that He will accomplish that which He has spoken and who will tolerate nothing less than what He has promised (see Isa. 55:11). Giants and fear may come, but these ones are so consumed by the revelation of Jesus and who He is and His authority that they see not the problem before them but Jesus the answer.

The perspective shift to greater realms of faith is and will continue to take place. A bold people will arise in the earth like never before. I don’t stand and live in the natural realm, but I live by every Word that flows from His mouth (see Matt. 4:4). If I live there, then I am unstoppable. If I live there, then I am not caged in fear. If I live in the place of relationship with Him where I am hearing what He is saying and feasting on the Word, filling my heart with truth, that frames every part of my life. I position myself in faith and expectation that God is not a liar; He is faithful and will do what He says He will do. It may look different from what I expect or when I expect it to happen, but the way He moves is always greater than my expectation (see Eph. 3:20).

God is raising up a people with fortified, strong, mature faith muscles. Those who have been through the fire and remained. Those who have their roots in one thing alone—Jesus Christ. The One who never changes. The One who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

The ferocious focus of faith. It’s not hard. It’s simple.

Keep your eyes in one place—locked with His. When you see Jesus and look into His eyes, you’ll see that He is the answer. He is the Word, and when you believe what you see, nothing will be impossible for you.

Lana Vawser

Lana Vawser is first and foremost a pursuer of God's heart, and secondly a prophetic voice to the nations. Her desire is to help people develop deep intimacy with Jesus and activate their prophetic hearing to recognize God speaking in everyday life. Lana is driven by a vision to see people set free and walking in the abundant life that Jesus purchased for them. She is an itinerant preacher and prophetic revivalist who gets to participate in powerful moves of God throughout the nations. Lana is married to Kevin and they live in Adelaide, South Australia, with their three sons.


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