Water Spirits: Entry Points for the Demonic Marine Kingdom

Marine spirits will always target families, households, and children.

They look for initiation through access points. Some people are more vulnerable or susceptible than others due to their actual geographical location. If you look at coastlines, often you can identify a pattern or tendency for different levels of perversion. A high level of child trafficking is associated with coastlines of most nations. That’s the power of the marine kingdom.

Many times, the highest level of perversion in a state or region will be at the coast. For example, look at the cities of Miami, Daytona Beach, or San Francisco. Marine spirits are not in high operation in a more wooded area or mountainous region such as Montana or maybe Arizona. These wooded areas would operate more under the principality correlated to nature for that region, like Wicca/witchcraft. Marine spirits typically will not have a stronghold in a heavily wooded or mountainous area. Different spirits operate and have strongholds in different regions. For example, in Redding, California, the redwood forest there has trees that are the size of Volkswagens. They are so large that they are 10 to 15 feet wide—just huge trees. There is a large activity within the hippie movement, witches, and Wicca in that region, with the strength of the spirits operating in that area stemming from some idol worship of the trees and access of the Wicca spirits in that area.

Marine spirits have a large influence in the coastlines of Africa, in the Caribbean, and the Bermuda Triangle. Now when you look at the activity involved within the Bermuda triangle, it’s a very loose analysis, not something that is a definitive. I have not been taken there in the spirit yet, so I don’t know definitely about that in the spirit. When I share about being taken in the spirit, God actually takes me there in reality. This experience is total reality but you are in the spirit realm. You are, without a shadow of a doubt, experiencing reality. Even if the activity that occurs is wild and outside of anything you have ever experienced, you have the ability to interpret what it means.

The book of Ezekiel is an example of a supernatural experience. Ezekiel was taken in the spirit and began to see crazy and wild things happening in the temple. But what he saw was the reality of what was actually taking place in the spirit. So when I say I’ve not been taken to the marine kingdom yet, I’ve experienced a portion of it. I’ve gone down to the ocean before and seen certain things, but I am believing God that He’ll take me behind the scenes down there. I’m believing that He will show me things in the marine kingdom to better understand it.

God has shown me many things in the spirit. I’ve seen God. I’ve been to hell twice. In one of those experiences, I was in a meeting that was crazy. I was in hell in an amphitheater. In that amphitheater, satan was teaching and I was sitting there looking around, thinking, All these meetings of these wicked people. I thought to myself, Oh my gosh, they don’t know I’m here. Because I spoke it out loud and within my heart, they all turned and looked at me. They could hear me. Then satan was down at the bottom and he lifted his hand and billions of rats started taking off running at me and then boom! I was out of there! Rats represent poverty and they represent an attack on finances. So those animals in the spirit symbolize bringing harm and hindrance financially because of where the gospel is going to go through this ministry.

There are many things that happen or occur in the natural realm that are so wild that they cannot be explained. We must understand that the spirit realm is just as real, if not more so, than the natural realm we experience. The strengthening of the marine kingdom occurs in natural regions where there is an opening or leaning toward those doors being opened. For example, there is a lot of mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, but there is certainly the possibility of the marine kingdom operating in that region. One thing to recognize in the marine kingdom and in the way satan operates is that he uses symbols to signal his work and to perform rituals. The triangle is one of those symbols. Triangles can operate as a door for the enemy in the spirit world. Look at the pentagram, the all-seeing eye on the US dollar bill, the pyramids of Egypt—they can all be used as a doorway for satan or as a part of satanic rituals.

Pride and Rebellion

Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre, Thus says the Lord God: Because your heart is lifted up and you have said and thought, I am a god, I sit in the seat of the gods, in the heart of the seas (Ezekiel 28:2 AMPC).

This Scripture says that this person or entity is exalting himself. This passage highlights that these gods are associated with the sea and with water.

Speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself (Ezekiel 29:3 KJV).

Yet you are a man, and not a god, though you set your heart as the heart of a god (Ezekiel 28:2 NKJV).

Look at the resistance of this marine spirit. This is a dangerous monster. This spirit says, “I am a god, I sit in the seats of God in the midst of the seas.” It is evident in this verse that this spiritual entity is being strengthened from marine spirits and from marine powers. One sign or evidence that marine spirits are at work is a high level of pride. Marine spirits operate in strong rebellion and resistance from a deep-rooted place of pride. This is one reason why marine spirits only go out by prayer and fasting. When you are under attack or under the influence of the marine kingdom, deliverance from this type of attack will only come through prayer and fasting. Fasting is essential for this deliverance.

Along with pride and rebellion, when you find marine spirits or the marine kingdom in operation, there will be high-level sexual perversion. For example, in South Korea, there is a whole park that celebrates and exalts male genitalia. There are male private parts in statue form all over the park. People from around the world travel to South Korea to this tourist attraction that celebrates sexuality and prosperity through male private parts as statues and art. Water spirits in the marine kingdom are associated with both of these things. The people instilled a covenant with the water spirits. Tourists from all over the world come and offer this kind of sacrifice to the sea. This is the working of the marine kingdom.

The Dragon

Let’s take a look at sea monsters and dragons and how they operate within the marine kingdom. Psalm 74:13-14 (KJV) says, “Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters. Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.” The word for sea monster is tannin. It literally means “dragon, sea monster, serpent, sea or river monster.” It is really focused around the aspect of a marine spirit and marine dragon.

Another scripture that deals with this same perspective is: “Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet” (Psalm 91:13 KJV). This is talking about a sea monster, using the same word, tannin, for “monster, dragon, serpent under the water, sea or river monster.” So every time dragons are mentioned in Scripture, think of: “In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea” (Isaiah 27:1 KJV). A lot of these scriptures emphasize dealing with sea serpents, sea monsters, and dragons—things that are really spiritual. God has given us the authority to have dominion over anything that satan can throw at us as believers.

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How to Fuel This Third Great Awakening

Jeremy Johnson

Joshua T. Giles

Joshua T. Giles is an apostolic and prophetic visionary, author, entrepreneur, and a business consultant. Joshua and his wife, Dee Giles, are the founders of Firebrandglobal and have one of the fastest growing ministries in America. He is globally recognized for spiritual warfare and deliverance while operating in the supernatural! He is also known as one of the top business consultants in the nation for his ability to produce supernatural results through God-given strategies and marketing. Joshua is known as one of the top celebrity trainers and professional sports specialists. He’s worked with some of the biggest names in sports, and his training studio was considered the best on the island of Palm Beach, Florida. When it comes to marketing and business, God has given Joshua extreme wisdom. His clients have seen millions of dollars in returns on their ventures, and he’s been able to do this by being a seer and operating in God’s wisdom. Joshua has a passion to see people walk in their destiny and fulfill their purpose!


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