Defeat the Molech Spirit with the Esther & Deborah Anointing

Early in the fall of 2020, I was spending time in the prayer room in our house, holding our six-month-old baby girl, Summer.

I heard the Lord say, “What would you do to save her?” I said, “Lord, anything.”

He said, “What if a policy was passed that said the government

could take her and kill her at any time.”

I said “I would never allow it! I would protect her with my life and would fight anyone who tried to take her away from me.”

The following week, when I had the vision of seven waves crashing into the United States, I heard the Lord say, “The second wave is the resurrection of the unborn.”

To be clear, this is not language I use in everyday life. I mean, when go out to get a coffee, I’m not throwing around words like “resurrection of the unborn.” To be honest, when I heard the word spoken to me, I had no grid for what God was talking about.

It is so important to sit, pray, and meditate on the things God is speaking to you. It is okay to ask questions and seek deeper revelation. As I prayed and processed this word, the Lord began to speak to me about the power of testimony. As the testimonies of women—who have had abortions and then have been saved, forgiven, and set free—go forth, these testimonies will release resurrection power! Where the enemy brought death, the Lord says, “I will bring LIFE!”

The Esther Movement

There is an “Esther movement” arising, but the women are not who you think. God wants to bring truth and passion back into conservative Christians across America. In the days ahead, you will see a fresh anointing come upon women who have had abortions. This Esther movement isn’t giving women the opportunity for a new preaching circuit, these aren’t the women who feel called to preach and haven’t found their place. This is not a new wave of Christian feminism.

The Esther movement is the voice that has been silenced through shame—ironically by the people who need her voice the most—the voice that has been silenced by the Church.

I believe that some of the new Esthers movement women are holding the keys to the truth about abortion through their honest experience and testimony. They are the ones afraid to speak because they may be rejected. They are the ones shaking at the thought while reading this. However, the power of their testimony will release the angelic in such a profound and powerful way that it will shake this nation.

Statistically, 1 in 4 women are part of this Esther movement. Can you imagine the power of this collective voice? I believe that we will see the curse of abortion come off our nation, and a new Jesus movement arise of women who were once partners with the plans of the enemy— but will now be spies in the land for victory!

There is an innate trait in a woman to protect her children. Ask any mother. Abortion violates what is natural and replaces it with the demonic and the spirit of death. There is a role that the Christian woman plays that simply cannot be filled by a man in this movement. Men, I implore you to support, encourage, and protect these women who are speaking up for those who can’t speak for themselves—the unborn children.

In the biblical story of Esther, her uncle Mordecai encourages her to speak up to protect her people. Esther’s afraid to speak, but her uncle encourages her by saying these well-known words, “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 NIV).

I believe that many men are being mantled with this Mordecai anointing. His words, are now some of the most famous verses in history “for such a time as this.” There is a rise of men who are strong, wise, and discerning—who know how to protect women as they overcome a culture that has every plan to destroy the family unit.

Here is the reality, God will raise up and protect the unborn. This is His will. However, this is also the hour for the Church to speak and train their congregations on healing, deliverance, and how to prioritize, love, and nurture the family unit.

Deborah and Esther Will Hold Hands

The Deborahs in this next wave are the female, uncompromised prophets whom God is unleashing with a fresh anointing as judges and defenders. The Deborahs will strategically hold hands with the Esthers and lead the charge of protecting the unborn.

A few weeks after I saw the wave vision, I had a strange dream that I am still processing to this day.

In the dream, there were several women in a coffee shop talking with one another, which was creating an echo. It sounded almost like whales talking. Jane Hamon was talking to younger women with the whale sounds as well. When I had the dream, I had only met Jane Hamon once prior, and I didn’t know much about her or her ministry. So, it was a bit unusual for her to be in my dream.

I wrote down the dream and began to process it to learn what God was showing me.

I believe that Jane Hamon represents mature female prophets. I believe that there will be a synergy of generations not competing with one another but building one another up in love. I believe the generations that have gone before, that have developed their prophetic anointing, will become mothers and will hold hands with Esther as she speaks up for the voiceless, the unborn.

The last thing I will share about this wave is that I saw it crash onto the shore, it expanded further out than the other waves. I believe that as the future waves will be crashing and impacting certain parts of the nation, this second waves extends out much further as a prophetic symbol of the global effect this movement will have.

Let us never forget, Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost and to destroy the works of the enemy (see Luke 19:10; 1 John 3:8 NLT).

Repentance of Worshipping Molech

The Lord forbids all worship of idols, and specifically child sacrifices to Molech:

You shall not give any of your children to offer them [by fire as a sacrifice] to Molech [the god of the Ammonites], nor shall you profane the name of your God [by honoring idols as gods]. I am the Lord (Leviticus 18:21 AMP).

In 1 Kings we see that even King Solomon had turned away from the Lord and began worshipping foreign gods, despite being given wisdom from the Lord: “Solomon worshiped Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molech, the detestable god of the Ammonites” (1 Kings 11:5).

Throughout 1 and 2 Kings, we see the rise and fall of Israel and kings obey or disobey the way of the Lord. The worship of Molech was a major indicator of the depravity and disregard for life within the Israelites at the time.

In addition to sexual rituals, Moloch worship included child sacrifice, or “passing children through the fire.” It is believed that idols of Molech were giant metal statues of a man with a bull’s head. Each image had a hole in the abdomen and possibly outstretched forearms that made a kind of ramp to the hole. A fire was lit in or around the statue. Babies were placed in the statue’s arms or in the hole. When a couple sacrificed their firstborn, they believed that Moloch would ensure financial prosperity for the family and future children.

It goes against the character of God to bless a nation that is sacrificing its children to idols. The apostle John commands us in his first epistle to guard ourselves against idols (see 1 John 5:21 AMP). This is militant language John is using. To guard oneself against something means we take a defensive combat position in response to it. It means, we have an opinion on the matter and oppose the demonic agenda attached to idol worship.

I believe we will see widespread repentance of worshipping Molech in America. I have seen it begin already in conferences across the nation. I have seen it in my own life. I pray that this nation will repent for sacrificing our children in the womb.

Jessi Green

Jessi Green is a revivalist, preacher, wife, mom, visionary, and creative. In 2009, she was radically saved in her apartment after a traumatic break-up and drug-filled lifestyle working as a doorman in New York City nightclubs. After encountering the love and power of God, she sold her belongings and traveled to 15 countries over 11 months, working with orphanages, preaching the Gospel, and learning to live a supernatural lifestyle. Jessi is the director of Saturate which is a global revival movement that is uniting the church in reaching those that don’t know Jesus, baptizing them, and making disciples. She resides in Southern California with her husband Parker and their three children and lead Salt Churches together.


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