Prophetic Word: A Holy Revolution is Upon Us – Will You Join?
God is coming and He is separating us.
Even within the believers He is looking for those who are willing to lay down everything to walk in uncompromising holiness, love, and the fear of the Lord. He is looking for those like Abraham who will lay everything on the altar (including fear of man) to be more aware of His presence in our lives. He wants those who won’t allow the world to taint their identity because we are so aware of how good our God is and how much of our lives He deserves. It is the path most difficult to take. It’s narrow and it is very costly, but it leads to eternal life in Jesus Christ. So few find it. So few are willing to give God their everything so that they can gain everything.
The world hands us manipulation, deceit, and division if we are not careful. The American dream in itself is to become a successful business man or woman who can give to those around them and do more than their parents did. The fruit looks so good on this tree. I have tasted it myself, and while the temporary joys of success and money were great, outside of my true nature in Christ it led to depression and void and lost passion. Many times it is quite deceiving if we don’t keep watering our hearts with the Spirit and feeding our hearts with the word. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a common tree for even believers to continue to eat from. It is all many of us have known because it’s all that was handed to us from those we have grown up around or because of the things we let in our eye gates and ear gates in media, entertainment, etc.
I’m convinced that there is a tree that has been planted for eternity in the hearts of God’s people called the tree of life. Many of us have read about this tree in the book of Genesis. The enemy always shows up handsome, alluring, tempting, and as a great rhetorician. In a moment if we are not prepared, like Adam and Eve, we can give in to this temptation. When God created us, He said we were good. Everything He created He called good. Our inheritance in Jesus Christ is to live a life abundant in His goodness and all things good, to know He is good, we are good, and everything we do is good.
We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it! (Ephesians 2:10)
We have to stop pursuing dreams in our own strength and slapping His name to it like He is running alongside us. I know that sounds intense, but I have been on that road and it led to some self-inflicted and unnecessary pain. Yet He has a rhythm and timing of all things good on this earth that He longs to create alongside you and me. We cannot fulfill this good calling and these good works without the friendship and Lordship of our heavenly Father.
“We have to stop pursuing dreams in our own strength and slapping His name to it like He is running alongside us.”
The Holy One
There is nothing like the presence of the Holy One. I have looked and I have searched, and in seasons when I was not rooted in relationship with Him and His word, I fell. Where I am today is a result of what Jesus has done to me—yes, to me and others. I am a victim of the blood of Jesus Christ, and because of it I am part of a holy revolution. He desires to ravish you with His loving kindness and friendship. His blood truly speaks a better word than our own strength and goals. All your dreams are nothing compared to the real dreams He has for you. You, my friend, were called to live a life so much more incredible than you could possibly ask for or imagine. He always out-dreams us. However, we must first lose this life to gain the one we are called to fulfill for all of eternity.
On this journey I have had in pursuit of Jesus, I have seen measurable fruit. I am not who I was ten years ago, five years ago, a year ago, six months ago, etc. I am consistently becoming more pure and holy. I am consistently becoming more and more set apart for His glory and His goodness. The best part is, I am not trying to become any of these things. I just keep gazing into the heart and eyes of Jesus, and He is purifying me along the way. He has my whole heart. He can do with me and this life as He pleases. I get accused, I get laughed at, I get judged and criticized along the way. Jesus warns us about this in His word. It is worth it for me because I am laying it all down at His feet alongside my husband. The kingdom of heaven will be advanced and the very assignment and calling He has placed on our lives will be completely filled because we are in full pursuit of this man, Jesus.
Come to God through the narrow gate, because the wide gate and broad path is the way that leads to destruction—nearly everyone chooses that crowded road! The narrow gate and the difficult way leads to eternal life—so few even find it! (Matthew 7:13-14 TPT)
I have wept and wept and wept over this scripture. I cannot believe that we could be so caught up and distracted by the ways of this world that we would ever be caught on the broad path that leads to destruction. The crazy part is that I have been on this path and most of us have been, are, and if we are not careful can be. Jesus says that nearly everyone chooses that crowded road. It’s the narrow gate that is the difficult way, but it leads us to eternal life with Him. This is the core message in His word that I believe we carry on this earth, and I long to see us all take it together. There are painful and teachable moments of growth on this path and there are moments of others not understanding that come with it, but it is worth it because it is always with Jesus. The greatest part is that He knows what that feels like and how hard to make many decisions on this path are, because He came and walked this path, too. Still, He chooses to walk close with us the whole way again and again and again.
True Religion
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world (James 1:27 NIV).
Oftentimes, those who keep themselves from being polluted by this world are judged and criticized deeply. I think of how God said in 1 Corinthians 1:27 that He uses the foolish things to confound the wise. There were so many times in the past when I was too wise to let the foolish and godly thing wreck me for the better. I judged and criticized others for looking ridiculous and making a scene, so I missed out on the better thing. I even see many Christians blame others for being “too religious” for not drinking alcohol, listening to certain music, or watching certain things on television. Do we not see a time when the things that represent true religion in the eyes of our Father are the things we must stop judging and start seeking understanding on?
Many who blame others for being religious are the ones wrapped and engulfed in the ways of this world themselves and have no idea. The discomfort of the real gospel can make those who feel comfortable very uncomfortable, and sometimes the only way to feel better about their comfort is to accuse or deny how someone else is choosing to live with God. Can anyone relate? I have been guilty of this myself. I am grateful we serve a God who is kind, and His kindness is what has led me time and time and time again to repentance. He longs for us to seek Him so that these things can be revealed to us along the way.
My life has changed drastically in so many ways, and ten years ago I would have told you the way I am living now is too extreme. Today, I can’t escape my desire to love Jesus, and part of that is not doing things that grieve His heart or things that I genuinely don’t think He would do with me. This all has come with conviction, and only the Spirit of God can bring this. Not the spirit of Jamie Lyn or the spirit of whatever else that might try whispering. If you feel a tug of change in your heart, don’t delay—respond to that kind and loving voice within and watch how that ripple effect ignites a new way of life for you.
The warriors who will be part of the Holy Revolution won’t justify their flesh to stay comfortable. This will be a generation that responds to the tiny tug in their gut called the Holy Spirit. This generation will say, “God, why are You tugging on me here? Tell me what to do and I will do it.” Even if it means laying down something we have loved, loved, loved because we trust that what He is course-directing our time and affection to is far greater. We cannot live this way without knowing the man Jesus.
We are in a time when thousands are choosing to take this path with God. That’s why He released me to share this with you now. It’s time for us to see Him so we can know who we are and so that we can advance the kingdom of heaven on this earth—for eternity, together. There is a broad path that many of us have been on. Think about it—when the shaking comes in life and we are on the broad path, we start getting jolted up against those who are getting shaken alongside us. It’s so crowded, and the discomfort of the crowding causes us to be at war with one another. Most people choose this path. When we choose the narrow path and the shaking comes, we are not bumping up against everyone. We are able to see that the foundation we are standing on is strong and eternal. We get to be the peacemakers on this road while everything around us is shaking. We are on the path that gets brighter and brighter for those walking in righteousness. We also get to invite others on this path with us. We get to disciple and pray in this massive harvest.
Prayer for Holiness
Jesus, thank You for a clean and pure heart. I invite You to come clean house in my own heart. As I read this book, will You reveal to me what You desire me to know? I invite You to come into every crevice of my being to reveal who You are and who You say I am. I desire to encounter You, Father. Help me, Holy Spirit, to be one whom our Father finds on this path. I want You, Father, and I need You. Amen.