Esther Strategy Revealed: This Dream Dismantles the Demonic Assault in Our Day

I had a dream last year where I saw Esther sitting at the banquet table with the king alongside her and Haman opposite her.

In the dream, their feasting table was filled only with bread and red wine. Esther poured red wine into a gold chalice and handing it across the table, she gave it to Haman. Then she said to him, “Drink up.” His eyes appeared happy and full of excitement, feeling honored by the queen. He took the chalice from Esther’s hands, lifting it to his mouth and tipping his head back, he began to drink the red wine.

No sooner had the first drop entered his mouth, did something begin to happen. His face contorted and his eyes began to bulge. He was choking on the wine. Dropping the cup, it spilled all down his elegant clothing, staining all of it; then with his hands to his throat, he fell to the ground, falling at the feet of Esther, and he died. At that, I woke up. I knew immediately that the Holy Spirit was showing me that Esther’s banquet table was a prophetic picture of Jesus’s Passover table where the Blood of the Lamb would choke the spirit of Haman in our day.

Taking the Battle to the Blood

It is no secret that one of the callings God has placed upon my life has been to pray to see the end of abortion. Even with the victorious fall of Goliath—Roe v. Wade—there are still many battles ahead to see Goliath’s brothers chased and annihilated from the nations. Six months on from the fall of Roe v. Wade, many will remember the fierce controversy following the Supreme Court’s ruling. State governors in the United States were vowing to make their states “abortion sanctuaries” (such an oxymoron if ever there was one), while others were fighting back and outlawing abortion altogether in theirs.

Meanwhile, apostate pastors were declaring, “We are embarrassed by some of the rejoicing of other Christians at the fall of Roe.” I have one statement for this kind of response, the apostate church of today would have mourned the death of Goliath in David’s day. I’ll move right along.

As though true Christians don’t need more evidence that abortion is demonic, I’ll never forget opening Instagram in January 2023 and discovering that a group called “the satanic temple” had just announced they would be opening a ritualistic abortion center in New Mexico, touting it as the “world’s first religious abortion center.” Attempting to come from the angle of a religious right, they wanted to make abortion become a “First Amendment” right of practice.

Initially, they were offering this as a late-term abortion clinic, and at first were declaring the opening of a physical location somewhere in New Mexico. The address was shrouded in secrecy, undisclosed to the public. What’s more, as I researched a little deeper about their practices, I discovered that after leading a woman through a ritualistic abortion, they would complete the ritual of the baby’s death by having the mother repeat the words, “By my body, by my blood, by my will, it is done.” The moment I read those words, a righteous anger arose within me. I’m certain you see it too—the direct mockery of the words of Jesus on the night of the Passover before His crucifixion. These blasphemous words, coined by satan himself, reveal just how satanic abortion is. It is modern-day Baal worship, sacrificing the blood of innocent little ones for “self,” as opposed to the atoning Blood of Jesus that was sacrificed for us.

When I read those words, I turned to Nate and said, “Someone has to do something.” No sooner had this sentence come out of my mouth, I heard the Holy Spirit immediately reply, “Yes, and YOU are that someone!”

I smiled as I told Nate what I heard, to which he laughed, replying, “Yes, that sounds about right.”

I asked the Holy Spirit, “What would You have me do?”

The very next day, we were on a family outing together in north Dallas, and as we were driving along a country road, out of nowhere, a tall, unusual-looking bird dashed across the road directly in front of us. Not close enough that we had to slow down, but within a near enough proximity that we were able to see it clearly. I had seen these birds before when we lived in Redding, California.

“I think that’s a roadrunner,” I said to Nate. The thought then came to my mind to look up what the state bird of New Mexico is. As I pulled up the search on my phone while Nate continued driving, the answer appeared that the state bird of New Mexico is the roadrunner. I turned to Nate again, “I think we’re going to New Mexico.” The Holy Spirit was confirming that He wanted us to plant our feet on the ground there to pray.

Over the coming days, the Holy Spirit began to unravel a prophetic act that He would require us to walk out. I knew we needed to invite people to come and pray with us somewhere in New Mexico, so I put out a call on Instagram and we had immediate responses. However, I was unsure of where to go, as I initially wanted to head to the physical location of the satanic temple and have a gathering of prayer directly there.

During my search for where to pray, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “No, I don’t want you to go to the pits, you’re going to take this battle to the heights.”

That night I had a dream. I was standing alongside a river that was completely red like blood, and I saw a sign next to it that said, “Red River.” I was drawing water out of it and taking communion from it.

Following that dream, Nate and I knew that this was about prayer and communion. Intrigued about the Red River sign, we opened a map to see if there might be something like this name in New Mexico. To our absolute amazement, there is indeed a river in New Mexico called Red River. What’s more, there is also a town by the same name through which the Red River flows.

You must remember that we’re Australians who haven’t grown up in the United States. The only city I knew of in New Mexico was Albuquerque, and that was only because of a children’s movie I loved as a child called Psalty’s Salvation Celebration. Psalty the Singing Songbook and the children go on a gospel tour with the final stop being Albuquerque. That is all I knew of New Mexico. All to say, we knew the Holy Spirit was leading us, because we had no idea this town even existed.

When we updated on social media that we were planning on meeting in Red River, New Mexico, our friends reached out to us saying, “I think Red River may be located in the Blood of Christ Mountains.” My jaw dropped. “Is there really such a place?” I asked. Sure enough, we opened the map once more and discovered that Red River was indeed located within the Sangre De Cristo Mountains. Again, we weren’t even aware of this mountain range, which translates into English, “the Blood of Christ.” I now understood in more depth why the Holy Spirit had initially said to me, “You’re going to take this battle to the heights.” We were taking the warfare to the Blood of the Lamb, to the table of communion. We were going to fight with the very weapon the enemy was mocking—the Blood of Jesus.

Still unsure of all the details of where exactly along this Red River we would meet, we asked the Holy Spirit for further confirmation. Nate and I opened a map once more and as we zoomed in to the little alpine town of Red River, we found a community center that backed directly onto the river itself. It was just as I had seen in my dream, where we took communion along the Red River. What’s more, we discovered that right along the same street was an RV resort by the name of…Roadrunner.

Why does God work like this, you might ask? Proverbs 25:2 (CSB) says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to investigate a matter [search it out].” The Lord is longing for you to search out the matters of His heart, it’s a relationship. I also believe the Lord really enjoys the fun of it; He loves to unveil His secrets to us, and He delights in our searching and working with Him to bring His solutions to earth. I would also like to suggest, it is God’s masterful strategy to conceal these plans in plain sight from the enemy. By partnering with Him and searching out the solutions of His heart, we overcome the enemy, right under satan’s nose. We knew this was all confirmation.

That next morning, we woke up discussing our plans for making our way to New Mexico (in what would be just a few short weeks), and as we were discussing it, a roadrunner bird suddenly appeared in our backyard. It danced around, stared at us for a good while, then disappeared. I began pondering what this meant, beyond the fact that it is the state bird of New Mexico.

The infamous cartoon character, Roadrunner, came to my mind that I used to watch when I was younger, and I loved how the little roadrunner bird always outran the coyote. No matter what trap the coyote set before him, the roadrunner just happily continued his way, blissfully unaware of the threat against his life. It was the coyote that fell into his own traps and ended up beaten, battered, and bruised by the closing of the show. There is a line in the show’s theme song that says, “That crazy coyote, when will he learn that he can never mow him (the roadrunner) down.”

I believe the Holy Spirit was showing me, through this little interesting bird, that when we take the battle to the heights, the enemy cannot mow us down as we apply the Blood of Jesus. We’re like the roadrunner, running constantly ahead of the enemy’s traps; he can’t catch us. We met on a crisp February afternoon, and the body of Christ in New Mexico packed out that little community hall; many had traveled miles upon miles to meet us there. Dear friends from Australia even sent one of their church hubs, located in New Mexico, to come and join us and lead us in worship. This truly felt like a gathering of the Body of Christ from all over, joining around the Blood of the Lamb. We spent hours in worship and prayer together, and then we walked outside. As we did, we immediately noticed a group of deer, we counted 12, that had gathered by the river and were drinking from the Red River.

Habakkuk 3:19 (BSB) immediately came to my mind: “God, the Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like those of a deer; He makes me walk upon the heights!” Just as the Holy Spirit had said, “You are taking this battle to the heights!” Then, as I had seen in my dream, hundreds of us gathered by the river. And as we stood in a circle and held high the cups representing the Blood of the Lamb over New Mexico, we lifted a battle cry against the satanic decree of bloodshed through abortion.

We took communion together, beholding the Lamb alongside the river of “blood.” I know something shifted in the heavenly realm that day. It was later reported that the satanic temple shifted their supposed physical clinic to a virtual one, limiting their ability to perform all trimester abortions. I firmly believe that this one little gathering put an end to their intended late-term abortion clinic. They no longer have the physical “temple” of ritualistic abortions they had lauded to offer. Though we are still waging war against this principality, I am confident that we will continue to see the fruit of the full victory as we run ahead, like the roadrunner, with communion in the days and months to come.

I share this story with you, because I believe the Holy Spirit is bringing to our attention our greatest weapon in this hour, which is and always has been the Blood of Jesus. I believe that the body of Christ has not realized the full potential of what the river of His Blood is capable of, and we have treated the partaking of communion as a religious tradition rather than wielding it as the weapon that it truly is.

f the enemy can mock it so openly, there is a reason he is doing so—mockery reveals his deep contempt for what the Blood of Jesus does to him. Dare I say that in the years past, satan has understood the value of the Blood of Jesus better than the ecclesia, the church, and he has attempted to lull us into thinking this is nothing more than an act of remembrance. Satan knows the power of the Blood can disarm his own powers, so he has cleverly mocks or dulls our understanding of it. Why else would he be leading mothers to abort their children and then, in an open act of extreme rebellion against Jesus, have them declare a direct insult of Christ’s words about communion—sacrificing the broken body of their babies unto themselves, as opposed to receiving the broken body of Jesus for their sins.

Luke 22:19-20 (NIV) says, “And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me. In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”

I saw a video recently of a hawk that had caught a snake. The hawk had its talons on the head of the snake, and it seemed as though the hawk was the victor with its next meal at the ready. However, in one split second, the snake lifted its tail behind the hawk, and began to curl its tail around the head of the hawk. Within mere seconds, the hawk was strangled to death, falling backward under the pinning strength of the snake and it died.

An eagle, on the other hand, knows that to devour a snake, it cannot easily win the battle on the ground. The eagle instead, grabs the head of the snake and lifts it off the ground, where the snake loses its power and balance. The snake will try to fight, but without the ground, it’s powerless. The eagle wins the battle in the heights.

In the same way, we are about to witness how Esther, too, grabbed the head of the snake and carried it to the heights, slamming its head upon the table—the table of communion.

Christy Johnston

Christy Johnston is an intercessor, teacher, prophetic voice and justice carrier. Christy’s burning heart for justice and intercession has led her on a life journey of prayer, contending for major world issues. Together with her husband, Nate, and their two young daughters, she is passionate to raise and empower God’s sons and daughters to release the Kingdom of God across the earth.


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