Don’t Miss Out on Revival: 9 Spiritual Ingredients
Many would agree that the Church was born on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
This whole chapter is revival. I personally believe that at least 11 of them were already born again, as Jesus released the Holy Spirit to them in John 20. This happened before Pentecost.
And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:22).
Since every believer receives the Holy Spirit when they are born again, it seems to me that this was the moment when the eleven remaining disciples were converted. So, when they were instructed to stay in Jerusalem for the “promise of the Father,” to be clothed with the “power from on high,” and “baptized in the Holy Spirit” (see Acts1:4; Luke 24:49; and Acts 1:5, respectively)—different wording for the same experience—it was to help them to obtain what they didn’t get in their conversion.
In order for these disciples to function as Jesus had planned, they would need both power and authority. The disciples were given authority in their commission, in Matthew 28:19. But they also needed power, which could come only through an encounter. I know many will differ with me on this point of the baptism in the Spirit being a second touch, which is fine. Just don’t miss that fact — that power comes in the encounter. Being “clothed with power from on high” was never meant to be reduced to a doctrine or a point in our statement of faith. It was an experience. An encounter. It was the beginning of a relational journey that would introduce His followers to a lifestyle of superior reasoning in every possible way. It was the kind of reasoning that had as its anchor, “nothing is impossible with God” (see Luke 1:37). And having that as a foundation changes everything.
Our encounter in the baptism in the Holy Spirit is the outpouring that forever changed the course of human history. Now, instead of Jesus, the anointed Son of God walking the earth, demonstrating the wonder of God’s Kingdom through revealing the Father’s heart, potentially millions of His followers can be clothed with the same power. It is all made possible because of this day called Pentecost. It is a beautiful gift of God’s grace. But the errors of some have caused many to back away from this kind of lifestyle, convinced that it is too dangerous to try. To my way of thinking, it is too dangerous not to. After all, His will reigns over all of our wills—"on earth as it is in Heaven.”
A Bride Is Born
In a very real sense the birth of the Church, which is the Bride of Christ, was made possible with the prophetic act of a spear piercing the side of Jesus. As Eve was taken from Adam’s side, when the Father took a rib and fashioned woman, even so, the Bride of Christ was taken from Jesus’ side when He was pierced with the spear. The basis for the Church’s existence came forth when blood and water poured forth. Of this the prophet spoke: “In that day a fountain will be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for impurity” (Zech. 13:1). Blood deals with sin and water, as in, “the washing of the water with the word of God” (see Eph. 5:26), deals with impurity and the contamination of living in a sinful world. Those two expressions of grace from God make the Church, His spotless Bride, possible.
The Old Testament priests had a similar practice we can learn from. When they entered the tabernacle grounds, they first encountered the brazen altar upon which animal sacrifices, with the shedding of blood, were made to postpone the penalty of sin for one more year. But following the need for blood to be shed, they still needed the washing of water. This was done at the next station called the laver. It was here that they dealt with the contamination that comes from their ministry assignments. It wasn’t about their sins. That was dealt with in the shedding of blood at the brazen altar. It was because they lived in an impure environment. If ever there was a lesson for us regarding the need for the continual input and cleansing of the Word of God, it is here. It cleanses. And at the same time, like a sword it cuts deep, mysteriously bringing healing to where it cuts.
In essence, revival is made possible by encountering God. That encounter, regardless of how extreme or how subtle, carries with it the seed of revival, which is the seed of reformation—that which could change a nation if stewarded well. Look at it this way: There’s an oak tree in an acorn if the acorn is taken care of properly. But there is also a forest of oak trees available through the seeds of the one oak tree. The outcome is written into the nature of the seed, but it requires proper stewardship by the caregivers, in this case, those affected by the revival. So it is with one touch from God. It carries the seed of transformation, not only for our lives, but is enough for a nation. This is the responsibility that comes with encountering God.
Characteristics of Revival
They occurred in times of moral darkness and national depression;
Each began in the heart of a consecrated servant of God who became the energizing power behind it;
Each revival rested on the Word of God, and most were the result of proclaiming God’s Word with power
All resulted in a return to the worship of God;
Each witnessed the destruction of idols where they existed;
In each revival, there was a recorded separation from sin;
In every revival the people returned to obeying God’s laws;
There was a restoration of great joy and gladness;
Each revival was followed by a period of national prosperity.
“If we want the same fruit and breakthrough seen in the early Church, we’ll have to take our hands off the reins of what God is directing.”
So, Who Was Offended?
I found it interesting that many of the manifestations that we were told would offend the unbeliever only offended the believer unwilling to change. I was somewhat surprised that most unbelievers hardly took note of what makes many Christians angry. They seemed to expect the supernatural (things they couldn’t understand) to be present if God is there. People expect it to drive unbelievers away. For the most part, the outpouring only drove believers away who were taught that anything outside of their regular church attendance and personal disciplines was not from God. If we could learn anything from the outpouring of the Spirit in Acts 2, it’s that even among those who mocked and were confused, there were 3000 souls added to the Church in one day. If we want the same fruit and breakthrough seen in the early Church, we’ll have to take our hands off the reins of what God is directing.