9 Prophetic Prayers that Heal Heart Disease

In a world burdened with ailments of the heart, we can find solace in the divine intercession for healing and restoration.

This collection of prayers and confessions of faith delves deeply into the realm of spiritual warfare against heart-related illnesses, offering a beacon of hope for those afflicted with conditions like high and low blood pressure, cholesterol issues, heart attacks, atrial fibrillation, atrial septal defect, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and myocarditis. Each prayer and confession is a potent blend of biblical references and unwavering faith, invoking the healing power of Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer. Through these words, believers are encouraged to stand firm in faith, believing in the transformative power of prayer to bring about physical and spiritual healing, as they call upon the Almighty to mend hearts and restore bodies to their optimal state of health.

Blood Pressure (High and Low) & High Blood Pressure/Hypertension

Prayer of Faith

Jehovah Rapha, I hold up the shield of faith. I voice-activate the sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6) on your behalf for healing from high blood pressure. I believe in His ability (Rom. 4:21) and in His willingness (Matt. 8:3) to heal you from this illness. I stand in faith that your blood pressure reads 120/80 for the glory of the Lord, amen.

Confession of Faith

I believe in Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals my body (Exod. 15:26). I boldly come before Your throne of grace that I may obtain mercy and find grace to help in my time of need (Heb. 4:16). My faith in You makes me well (Luke 8:48), and You remove this sickness of high blood pressure from my midst (Exod. 23:25). You give me wisdom (James 1:5) to change the things in life that I need to change. You heal me from other illnesses (Ps. 103:2-3) that may be causing my blood pressure to rise to dangerous levels. I stand in faith that my blood pressure reads 120/80. I am thankful that You give me Your peace (John 14:27), Your comfort (2 Cor. 1:3-4), and that Your joy is my strength (Neh. 8:10). By your stripes I am healed and made whole (Isa. 53:4-5), amen.

Cholesterol (High)

Prayer of Faith

In the name of Jesus, I renounce this spirit of premature death attacking your heart. I release the healing power of His blood to flow through your heart to cleanse, heal, and make it whole again so that it functions to perfection. The excess cholesterol and other deposits on the walls of your arteries and fatty deposits in your blood vessels dissolve and are supernaturally eliminated from your system so that enough blood can flow through your arteries. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Confession of Faith

With the power of the spoken Word (Gen. 1), I activate the power of life and death in my tongue (Prov. 18:21) and I decree a wall of protection between the effects of high cholesterol and my health and wellbeing. I release the healing power of the Lord (Ps. 30:2) to heal and make my heart whole again. I renounce the excess cholesterol and other deposits on the walls of my arteries and fatty deposits in my blood vessels and command them in the name of Jesus to dissolve and to be supernaturally cleansed from my system so that enough blood can flow through my arteries. In Jesus’ name I declare by faith I am healed (Isa. 53:4-5). Amen.

Heart Attack

Prayer of Faith

All-powerful Jesus, I stand in faith without wavering (James 1:6) knowing that nothing is impossible with You (Mark 10:27). I declare words of faith, that no weapon formed against you will prosper (Isa. 54:17). He heals all diseases, including acute myocardial infarction (heart attacks) (Ps. 103:2-3). By His stripes your heart is healed (Isa. 53:4-5) and re-created, made whole and fully functional, amen and amen.

Confession of Faith

I am not afraid or discouraged but strong and courageous because I know that You are with me wherever I go ( Josh. 1:9). I call upon Jehovah-Shalom, my God who defeats this enemy, the spirit of death, and this life-threatening condition, acute myocardial infarction (heart attacks). I receive Your peace into my mind and emotions against this spirit of fear and into the inner workings of my physical heart. Jesus Almighty, all- powerful Lord, nothing is impossible with You (Mark 10:27), including the re-creation of my heart and all damage that has been done to my heart’s tissue. I declare words of faith that I will not die but live and declare the works of the Lord (Ps. 118:17). Amen.

Atrial Fibrillation

Prayer of Faith

With all boldness, I proclaim that you are healed from atrial fibrillation. Your heart is re-created; the upper chambers of your heart are in sync with the lower chambers; it beats beautifully with no irregularities, no palpitations, and no shortness of breath, for you possess the healing power of Christ (Isa. 53:4-5) and Holy Spirit is the very breath that you breathe (Job 33:4), amen.

Confession of Faith

Jehovah-Elohim, the Creator of this world and humanity (Gen. 1:26-28), I enter Your gates with thanksgiving and into Your courts with praise: I am thankful to You, and I bless Your name (Ps. 100:4). I believe and receive the healing power of Your blood into my physical heart (Isa. 53:4-5) and I know that I am loosed from this infirmity, atrial fibrillation (Luke 12:13). I align my faith with all Your authority that You have so graciously gifted to me (Luke 10:19), and by my faith in Your ability and willingness to heal the sick (Luke 5:12-13) I am healed (Ps. 30:2). My heart submits to its Creator and accepts this re-creative miracle, and my upper chambers are in sync with my lower chambers. Atrial fibrillation does not control the workings of my heart, and there is no shortness of breath in me for I possess the breath of Holy Spirit (Job 33:4), and He’s got rhythm and knows how to keep the beat. By the creative power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21), I declare that the rhythm of my heart is strong and steady and beats at a regular pace, with no palpitations. This is my testimony (Rev. 12:11): I am healed in Jesus’ name, amen.

Atrial Septal Defect

Prayer of Faith

I lift you up to El-Shaddai, Almighty God who has the ability to heal you of this congenital heart defect, atrial septal defect (Rom. 4:21). I praise Him for His willingness to loose you from this infirmity (Luke 12:13) and to create in you a clean heart (Ps. 51:10-12) without defects. With His supernatural power, He sutures the hole between the upper chambers of your heart. By the power of the blood that flows through the holes in His hands, we believe and receive the blessing of healing for you. In the name of Almighty God, El-Shaddai, I pray in faith, amen.

Confession of Faith

I believe in Almighty God, El-Shaddai, and in Your ability to handle any situation that confronts Your people. With confidence in Your ability and willingness to heal me (Luke 5:12-13), I receive the dunamis explosive power of Holy Spirit into the need of my physical heart. Because I ask in faith without wavering back and forth with unbelief (James 1:6), I am loosed from this congenital heart defect, atrial septal defect (Luke 12:13). You have already healed me from this infirmity and the spirit of premature death behind it (Ps. 107:20; Is. 53:4-5). The Great Physician has supernaturally sutured the hole between the upper chambers of my heart, and no excessive amount of blood can flow through my lungs, for I am delivered and healed from atrial septal defect. In the name of Jesus, this is my confession of faith for my heart, health, and wellbeing, amen.

Low Blood Pressure/Hypotension

Prayer of Faith

I raise up the standard of the blood (Isa. 59:19), and by faith I declare that you are delivered from a spirit of premature death and healed from hypotension (Deut. 7:15). I call those things that are not as though they already were (Rom. 4:17), and with these words of faith I declare that your blood pressure rises to 120/80 and remains in the normal range. I claim His healing promise that He satisfy you with long life (Ps. 91:6). This I believe without wavering with doubt and unbelief (James 1:6). In Jesus’ name, amen.

Confession of Faith

In the name of the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, who delivered me from this curse, hypotension, by becoming the curse for me (Gal. 3:13), I trust in the power of Your blood that purchased my healing (Isa. 53:4-5). By the power of Your blood I am loosed from the bondage of this infirmity of low blood pressure (Luke 12:13). You take away all sickness from me (Deut. 7:15). You satisfy me with long life (Ps. 91:6) and Your joy is my strength and stronghold (Neh. 8:10). I raise up my shield of faith and activate the sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6), and I declare words of life (Prov. 18:21) that my blood pressure raises to 120/80 in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

Coronary Artery/Heart Disease

Prayer of Faith

By the grace of God (Rom. 4:16), I stand in faith without wavering with doubt and unbelief (James 1:6) for your deliverance from coronary artery/heart disease. By the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus, you are healed because He has loosed you from this infirmity (Luke 12:13), the curse, when He suffered and died on the Cross (Gal. 3:13). By faith in His healing power, the walls of your arteries are supernaturally cleansed from plaque buildup, restrictions of the blood flow to the heart’s muscle are removed, and the coronary arteries are re-created in Jesus’ name, amen.

Confession of Faith

I give You praise for You are faithful (1 Thess. 5:24) and just (Deut. 32:4) and both willing (Matt. 8:3) and able (Rom. 4:21) to heal me from this coronary artery/heart disease (Ps. 103:2-3). By the power of faith-filled words (Gen. 1), I declare that this buildup of plaque in the walls of my arteries super- naturally melts away and is eliminated from my body with no residue of this plaque remaining. By the law of grace (Rom. 4:16), the past limitations of the blood flow to my heart’s muscle are removed, and I am loosed from the bondage of this infirmity (Luke 12:13) with the re-creation of my coronary arteries intact. Amen.

Heart Failure/Congestive Heart Failure

Prayer of Faith

I pray in faith, believing not wavering (James 1:6) that you are delivered from this spirit of death and healed (Ps. 103:2- 3) from congestive heart failure. I declare that your heart is re-created, and the heart’s ventricles are not stretched out but strong and healthy, and it pumps enough blood throughout your entire body. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Confession of Faith

I give glory to the God of Hope, Jesus Christ, my Deliverer from this spirit of death, heart failure. You have loosed me from this infirmity (Luke 12:13), redeemed me from this curse (Gal. 3:13), set me free ( John 8:36), and by the stripes that wounded You I am healed and made whole (Isa. 53:4-5). By Your Spirit (Zech. 4:6) You give me the victory (1 Cor. 15:57) to stand against the wiles of the devil (Eph. 6:11). I overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of my testimony (Rev. 12:11), and I am more than a conqueror (Rom. 8:37). With the creative power of my words (Gen. 1), I declare that my heart is re-created, my ventricles are not stretched out but strong and healthy, and it pumps enough blood through my entire body. In Jesus’ name, I believe and receive a new heart, amen.


Prayer of Faith

In Jesus’ name, your Healer, I renounce this spirit of death, myocarditis. Without wavering, I stand in the faith ( James 1:6) that your heart is re-created, the inflammation in your heart muscle is gone, the muscle is strong, and it can pump the blood to the rest of your body with ease. I declare words of faith that you will not die but live and declare the works of the Lord (Ps. 118:17), amen.

Confession of Faith

In the name of my Healer, Jesus Christ (Isa. 53:4-5), I renounce this premature death, myocarditis, attacking my heart. I declare words of faith (Rom. 4:17) that by the power of the blood of Jesus my heart is re-created, the inflammation of the heart muscle is gone, the muscle is strong, and it can easily pump the blood to the rest of my body. I am loosed from this infirmity (Luke 12:13), for You heal my broken heart, and You bind up my wounds (Ps. 147:3). I live to testify in these latter days (Rev. 12:11). Amen.

Becky Dvorak

Becky is a dynamic preacher of the Gospel, healing evangelist, prophetess to the nations, Destiny Image author, and host of the powerful teaching program, Empowered for Healing and Miracles, featured globally on the It’s Supernatural! Network on ISN. And conducts healing services, seminars, and conferences globally.

Becky spent twenty-five years in the trenches of service for Jesus Christ in an orphanage in Guatemala, Central America. God performed many miracles through Becky during that time, including the raising of the dead. Now the Lord is releasing Becky to equip the Body of Christ in the earth realm on a much greater scale.

Her and her husband, David celebrate 41 years of marriage, have 8children, 3 adult biological and 5 adopted, 1 son-in-law, 4daughters-in-law and 12 grandchildren, and live in Arizona, U.S.A.


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