Seeking God’s Peace in Chaos

Originally posted on Cherished Her.

Let me paint a picture for you. 

The sun touches your skin like a warm blanket. The wind blows kisses of daisies and tulips. The grass invites you as snow demands a snow angel. You find yourself sitting, waiting, peaceful. You turn to your left and see them walking towards you. You feel safe. The curve of your lip rises as joy surprises you. You stand to rush and embrace them. The blades of grass still remain. The surroundings stand still in time. Nothing else matters. You are happy. You are home. 

There is a picture each of us imagine when we think of heaven. When we think of our first encounter with Jesus. Maybe you think of running and giving him a big hug. Or maybe you believe you will simply fall at his feet in worship. Or, maybe you have thought of skipping in a field with the biggest smile on your face. Free. Pure joy. Complete peace. 

Lately I have been searching for that peace. Struggling to find a way past my aching anxiety and crippling thoughts. 

Many say Junior year of college is the most mentally and academically challenging. Being someone who loves learning new things and school in general, I had it rooted in my mind that there was nothing I couldn’t handle. I had already finished two years of college. How much harder could my third be? 

I am humbly admitting that I was wrong. This has been my most mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and academically challenging years. I have never found myself struggling for air more in my life. I try to “act” joyfully but always end up feeling emptier. 

I have cried more these past few months about life than I thought was even possible. I feel weighed down with no room to make a choice for myself. 

I transferred to Messiah University to be an athlete, and now I am struggling to find joy as a runner. I have always gotten good grades, but now I am fearful that I may get multiple bad grades. I love my job and the work I do but I never have time for it. I am not able to do good work because I have so many responsibilities. I feel like everything around me is spinning. Failing. Changing. And while all of that is happening I am tired. Stressed. Lonely. 

I find myself seeking the next thing. Seeking arbitrary numbers. Good grades. Fast times in my races. Things that do not define me and will never fully satisfy me. Things that always leave me wanting more. 

Do you feel that weight?

Maybe it’s your job. Maybe you feel burnt out from being busy all the time. Maybe you’re in highschool or college and trying to navigate time for friends and time for school. Or maybe you are a constant worrier. It’s a hard balance to maintain. But we were not created to maintain it on our own. Psalm 55:22 says “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”

God is waiting for you to cast your burdens on him. He is not going anywhere. He is accessible always, not just once we get to heaven. Psalm 18:2 says “The Lord is my solid rock, my fortress, my rescuer! My God is my rock—I take refuge in him!—he’s my shield, my salvation’s strength, my place of safety.”

He is fully alive in you. Don’t believe that you will never find full peace, joy and comfort until you are in heaven. Don’t just fully focus on that painted picture. Ironic right? I tell you a beautiful story of how Peace may look and feel one day in heaven and then tell you not to focus on it. I did so to drive home this point. 

Yes, God has prepared a beautiful place for eternity. But, God also created a beautiful you for today. 

For this life you are living right now. And he is right there with you, even if you are feeling like everything around you is failing. 

God is unchanging. He can and will fully and completely satisfy you. He brings fullness and wholeness and complete peace in this life right now as he intended it to be. 

We can find comfort and reassurance in his words even when everything seems to be going wrong. 

In Psalm 23:4 it says “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Even in our lowest seasons God is evident. He is present. He is faithful. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). 

My biggest challenge for you through all of this is to seek the lord for peace. 

Life can be hard. Like I explained earlier, I have been struggling to make it on my own. But God so graciously reminded me that I am not meant to do life on my own. That he has purpose in my pain. That there can be joy in our sorrows. How do I know that?

Because God is the sustainer and giver of joy, peace, and comfort. So when you feel empty, know that God is right there filling your cup. Giving you strength to conquer another day. Giving you peace to take on another week. Giving you confidence in the abilities he has so graciously gifted you with. 

God is waiting for you. He is the giver of peace even when we feel weighed down by anxiety, stress, or depression. Trust in him. Believe in the wonderful plans he has for you. Seek him for peace. For fulfillment. 

“In Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority” (Colossians 2:10).

Alyssa Nori

Alyssa Nori is a marketing major at Messiah University. She is often seen running with her Cross Country Track and Field teammates, frequenting Starbucks, studying, or spending time with her closest friends. Alyssa's college journey began at Liberty University before she transferred to Messiah University. She is deeply passionate about spreading the kingdom of God. With a heart filled with eagerness, she is dedicated to building a community among young women where they can challenge, hold each other accountable, and learn from one another in their faith journeys.


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